t h i r t y f i v e

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"No, why are you asking?" I wanted to know.

Olivia's expression changed, she looked a little down.

"Uhm, I-" she stuttered. "I was just-."

"You could send me some of their songs and I could listen to them." I suggested, seeing how embarrassed she got.

Maybe she was just as awkward as me and doesn't know how to make friends.

Her face lit up the same second she heard my words. "Sure! What's you're instagram?"

I gave her my username and she promised writing me after she finished her shift.

After I came back to the table the desserts came already.

"What took you so long?" Elijah laughed at me, taking a big sip out of my vanilla milkshake.

"Stop it!" I called out shocked, pushing him away, so I could slide onto my seat. "I was just talking to the waitress."

Xander furrowed his eyebrows. "Why?"

"She wanted to know my instagram." I said and hummed as I took a long sip out of the cold and sweet drink.

"Oh no." Xander growled, giving a dirty look into the direction of the waitress.

She glanced to us, her eyes fixed on me as she gave me a big smile.

"What?" I gave him the same look back.

"You shouldn't talk to those type of girls." Elijah scratched his head. "Look how she smiles at us."

"What do you mean?" My mouth opened a little, this was really confusing me.

"Those girls try to get friendly with you, so they can come to our house and meet your hot brothers." Xander explained to me and Elijah nodded.

Caleb looked unsure. "Lilith can't meet anyone anyway, so there will be no one in our house you boys need to worry about."

He was right. Even if Olivia is friendly and just wants to be friends, there is no way of her entering my life till January.

Well, if nothing else happens after our dad moves back in. I can imagine that Victor would love to give me more months of his punishment.

We finished our dessert, payed and left the diner.

My eyes searched a last time for Olivia, but she was busy talking with other people.

Sad, I couldn't even wave her goodbye.

Still I hoped she would text me soon, it would bring some color in my life for sure.

I planned to stay up the night till a direct message would appeare on my screen.

Coming back home suffocated me, Victor and Jon weren't home yet, still entering this house felt weird to me.

Without any kind of freedom it trapped, like a prisoner I watched outside of the windows.

Through out the night I actually got a direct megssage from Olivia. We texted almost the whole night, sending each other music we liked and talked about everything that came into our minds.

This proceded for the next weeks everyday after I finished studying I texted with her.

She was such a sweet and caring girl and never asked me about my brothers, not once.

"You aren't watching the movie, Lil." Jon poked me with his elbow.

I looked up to him, we all sat on the couch and watched a Christmas movie. The time flew by, it seemed almost scary. Not seeing anyone outside of school I tried texting with Olivia every free second I got.

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