b o n u s - 2

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c a l e b

Tears filled my eyes, as I stood near my grandfather's casket.

This was it. He was gone and there was nothing that could bring him back. My eyes were red, still I didn't loose a single tear.

My brothers and I wore our black suits, standing in the church and saying our last goodbyes to our grandfather.

Our father stood in the back, even though they disliked each other, he sat their and silently stared at the wall. He lost some tears, yet he didn't wipe them away.

The twins were both crying, shading tears and Elijah couldn't help but sob.

Victor was the same as our dad, he stood besides our grandfather, staring down to him and his tears rolled down his cheeks.

Jonathan stood besides me, squeezing my hand, as he tried to stay strong.

His husband Graham sat in the front row, looking down and grieving for the loved one his husband lost.

"Please say your last words to him now, we are going to close the casket soon." One of the man that will carry and bury my grandfather said.

This was the first time I saw Lilith stand up from her seat in the middle, she silently walked towards the casket, standing besides Victor.

She placed the flower in her hand on his chest, as tears streamed down her face. "Goodbye." She sobbed out, her legs trembled and Victor put an arm around her.

"I should have hugged you at least once when you were alive, I am so sorry." She apologized and like a wave it hit me.

My emotions overwhelmed me and the tears in my eyes began burning.

"You are my first grandparent ever, even though we hated each other at the start, you are my Grandfather." She cried out.

The heartbroken sobs that left her mouth made the whole church shiver, the pained voice and the hurting expression on her face, when she turned around and walked away to stand besides the twins.

A last time I took the courage and walked towards him, I layed my hand on top of his. The moment I felt the coldness spread through my fingers, first sobs escaped my throat.

He looked like he was sleeping, peacefully without any worry on his face.

Please wake up. Please just stand up and just let me hear your smoky laugh one last time, let me tell you how much I actually loved you, Grandpa please.

"We will miss you." I couldn't hold my emotions in anymore, as my tears stormed down my face. "I will miss you."

The following hours happend in a blur, time passed he was already buried and we sat at home eating and grieving.

"Are you all right?" Victor's voice startled me, I slowly gained sight of my surroundings.

"Yes, yes." I whispered, drinking more water so I didn't have to talk about my feelings anymore.

"We should try to remember the good times with him, shouldn't we?" Jon gave me a sad smiled.

"Remember when Caleb run away and we all searched for him and in the end Grandpa found him." Elijah laughed, making Lilith's eyes widen.

"What?" She opened her mouth, her puffy eyes glanced at me. "Caleb run away? Why?"

"Caleb was a real bad boy, when he was your age, tell her Caly." Jon giggled, looking at me with big eyes.

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