198 | Our Truth

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"GOOD MORNING, MASTER LEIGH. Are you heading somewhere?" Étienne, Max's loyal butler, asks when he sees Max walk out of his bedroom dressed in casual clothes.

     "I have important matters to attend to, so I will be going alone. Don't look for me," Max answers, walking down the stairs while Étienne follows behind him.

      Étienne stares at his master from head to toe, and then a small smile appears on his face when he asks, "Does this matter involve a man named Ga—" Before he can even finish his sentence, Max immediately turns around and glares at him, instantly making Étienne stop.

     Étienne clears his throat and asks instead, "What car will you be using so that I can ask the valet to bring it to the front."

     "Just something that isn't too flashy. I don't want to attract any attention," Max answers.

     "Then I'll have the valet bring the black Hyundai Genesis," Étienne says before taking his phone to send the message.

     Max thanks his butler and walks past the living room. But unfortunately for him, his brother Marcus had just finished his morning exercise in their indoor gym. He spots Max, and he immediately stops him, making Max massage his temple and sigh.

     "And where the hell are you going?" Marcus asks while wiping his upper body with a damp towel.

     "I have important matters to attend to."

     "Important matters? This early? It's literally 8:30 AM."

     "Can't this matter be scheduled this early?" Max sarcastically asks, making Marcus narrow his eyes, staring at his brother suspiciously.

     "Max, I've known you for a long time, and ever since you enrolled in J.S High, you've done stupid and crazy things. If you're planning to do something crazy, I'll have to—"

     "I'm going on a date," Max finally reveals, making Marcus and even the maid, who was cleaning the living room, look at him with shock. Étienne, who overheard it too, looks down at the floor to hide the smile on his face.

     "Please tell me you're just planning to do something crazy," Marcus says instead, making Max chuckle.

     "I'd be home eventually, so don't wait for me," Max says, holding onto Marcus's shoulder before walking out of the house where his car was already waiting.

     Marcus and Étienne follow behind him as the valet opens the car for Max. But before Max could even head inside, Marcus suddenly stopped him and said, "You know, Max, we actually helped you with Jontell so you could enjoy the convention. I know you kinda handled him at the end, but that still counts, right?"

     "Are you guilt-tripping me right now?" Max asks, making Marcus pout.

     "Can't you just hang out with me than that guy? You know it's kinda weird that you're...d...d-dating...him...especially when we were classmates before. As your big brother, I'm just worried," Marcus says, making Max laugh this time because of how difficult it was for Marcus to mention the word dating.

     "You're overreacting again. We just planned to eat breakfast and then watch a movie. I promise to be back before dinner and hang out with you," Max says, finally heading inside the car.

     The valet closed the door for him, and then he and Étienne bowed to Max as he started driving away.

     "You know, sir Marcus, master Leigh isn't a kid anymore. You shouldn't have to be so worried about him," Étienne says as he and Marcus start walking back inside the house.

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