3; Things she never said.

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Tukur Bamai Residence, Abuja.

"Oh, Rukayya. You're back home." A warm smile graced the older woman's face, welcoming her daughter back to their home.

Almost immediately, all the tension that made Rukayya's shoulder stiffen started to dissipate at the sight of her mother's figure. See, this is one of the things only mothers are capable of doing, no one else.

Home is definitely where your mother is. All it takes is a smile from them and then everything will instantly start to fall back in place.

Rukayya's expression mirrored her mothers, as she made her way towards the older woman and wrapped her arms around her, swaying to the side slightly. "Mamana." She mumbled, her tone childlike.

A slight chuckle came from her mother, as she used the spatula in her hand to stir whatever she's working on. Looking over her shoulder for a brief second, or more like she tried to, she came to a halt when Rukayya placed her head there, her arms going over her mother's shoulder.

The older woman gave up on turning around, and instead voiced out what she originally planned to say. "Go ahead and wash up then come down for dinner. Your father's home already. Let's all eat together tonight."

Rukayya pressed her lips together for a brief second, dwelling in the silence for that particular moment before she nodded. "Okay..." She simply muttered, and then detached herself from her mother-taking a few steps back. "...I'll be right back."

When she got a hum in response, she turned around and headed in the direction of the stairs, with the sole intention of reaching her room and doing as she's instructed. It's been a pretty long day at work, and the idea of getting under the warm water of the shower didn't sound like a bad idea at all.

So, she did just that.

When she was done, she slipped into the first nightwear in sight, which turned out to be a silk night dress and a robe that reached her ankle. It easily covered her entire body, and it didn't seem appropriate in the slightest bit. To complete the look though, she picked up a random veil in sight and wrapped it in case they get any uninvited guest.

It wouldn't be surprising considering the nature of their works. Hence, they were always ready for such kind of interruptions, though they try to minimize it the most they can.

Once certain that she was set to go down, she picked up her phone and went along with it down to the dining where she found her mother setting up the table.

"Let me help you with that." She offered, dropping her phone beside the chair she usually sits.

She then followed her mother to the kitchen and picked up everything necessary-only coming to rest when they were both done setting the table. Just in time, a much older looking man made an appearance then, seemingly talking to someone on his phone.

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