18; Who is she really?

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Four Years Ago.

Baita Cantonment, Bauchi State.

Captain Inaya Sa'id, the newly appointed Captain of Sector 16. The youngest female to rise up to the Captain position at the age of 23; recently transferred to Bauchi to handle Sector 16 of Baita Cantonment—a position that a lot had opposed to, only to fall on deaf ears.

Besides, Baita Cantonment is known for being male dominated. There were only a handful of women occupying high ranks, with about 60% of the total control belonging to the male soldiers, and they certainly take pride in it.

Having a new Captain of Sector 16—an outsider, and a woman for that isn't an issue that sits right with them. It didn't help that they have been meaning to put another man in the position, the man that goes by the name First Lieutenant Aadil Bashir Kari. He is upright, and has a promising future ahead of him.

Of course, his righteousness isn't something they want. They would rather have someone that will help them covet most of the funds supplied, so they could fill their pockets. However, Aadil's father, the then Chief Superintendent, was rumored to be next in line to be the Commissioner of Police.

He's no less any much of an upright person that his son is, only even more if possible. However, getting on his good sides will do them all good, despite him not being in the army. The man has connections, that will even take him to the position of the Inspector General if he desires, and, he does. That man holds his image in a very high regard.

He aims to be at the very top, and that includes holding up a clean slate all through. His son has the same clean image—making them the perfect example to follow. It's only right for Aadil to be promoted to the position of the Captain. You can say he's the golden boy.

But no, the higher ups just had to change everything and turn it upside down and bring in a person no one knows of, or even heard of before—a woman for that matter. Now, they only have one option—and that's to make her leave on her own.

They would make Sector 16 unbearable for her to the point that she will decide to leave on her own rather than to stay there. She thinks she can survive in a men dominated camp? They will make her regret her decision of ever taking the role.

Or so they thought.

Inaya's appearance at the camp was rather unpreceded. She was supposed to turn in the day afterwards and officially report for duty. She has no plans for starting work on that day. She would enjoy the last free day she has before she takes on the position and assume her role.

However, her sudden appearance wasn't something she planned, but doesn't regret as well. She wanted to leave a memorable first appearance to her colleagues, one that would serve as a preview of what they are to expect with her there.

She wants to believe she has pretty much done a good job, even if it wasn't what she planned. The look Aadil sported though the minute it came to light that she is his superior makes it so worth it.

Her lips slowly curled upwards into a satisfied grin, which looks borderline smirk. She could tell he was finding it hard to accept, because his gaze was pinned on the soldier that was still in the salute stance, not moving an inch as he was yet to be dismissed by her.

Sergeant Mahmoud recovered from the shock as well, and was quick to assume the same position though his mind was still clouded with surprise. She is really their new Captain? Well, this is news.

He could swear she looks nothing like a Captain, heck, she barely looks like a soldier in the slightest. She wasn't even dressed, or acting like one. Though, now that he thinks about it, her earlier actions did show that she wasn't scared of either of them in the slightest, unlike how normal civilians are.

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