16; Hate At First.

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The complete book is currently available on both Okadabooks and Selar for those who don't want to wait for updates. And yes, I WILL FINISH IT HERE AS WELL! Yawwa, have a good day. I'll see you next week.

Four Years Ago.

Baita Cantonment, Bauchi State.

"We have a new case that just turned up, Sir." Came a voice belonging to a man seemingly in his earlier twenties. He had jogged all the way up to catch up with the soldier strolling a little bit ahead of him. He would've easily caught up, if not for the aforementioned quick strides thanks to his long legs.

Not to mention the trainings that had made him almost accustomed to walking in long, but calm and confident strides at the same time.

The man in the equation's expression was blank, not giving anyone a hint of anything going through his mind. The army green top clung onto his skin, almost as if it was made specially to fit snugly to his body. The short sleeves left his veiny, and muscular arms to the naked eye, leaving nothing to one's imagination.

Khaki jeans ran down his long legs, disappearing behind the boot that covered them. They were slightly baggy compared to the shirt, just like everyone else's in the camp. The colors that signified the army standing stark, one to be recognized even from afar. Considering he was in a place filled with people that

He didn't reply immediately, or give any hint that shows he heard what the man informed him beforehand. At least, up until the man caught up with him, aligning their strides with little effort. "Situation?" He questioned, his eyes set ahead with a destination in mind.

Seems it might change though depending on what answer he gets.

"A civilian assaulted Second Lieutenant Rasheed earlier in the day. We currently have the person in our custody for questioning."

"Assault?" The man still didn't halt in his steps, though something about his tone implied he wanted more information regarding what he was alerted. It simply didn't make sense in those terms. A civilian assaulting a soldier to the point of being about to be questioned? That doesn't sound about right.

So, slanting his head to look the man walking beside him, he added. "--A civilian at that, Sergeant Mahmoud?" The look on his face screamed he was doubting those words.

His reasons are valid. The thought of a mere civilian, assaulting a soldier, a second lieutenant for that matter sounds farfetched. And then there's the bearer of the news, Sergeant Mahmoud.

He's a good man, and does his job as well. But, he's known for exaggerating things beyond proportion-he's also known for not taking thing as serious as it should be.

So, can you really blame the man if he was second guessing the entire ordeal?

Sergeant Mahmoud frowned slightly, not liking the fact that he was doubted. He didn't take it to heart though, judging by how quickly the frown vanished. "I'm serious, First Lieutenant Kari." He stated in all seriousness. "She literally beat that man to pulp, sustaining no injuries at all."

"She?" It was clear Lieutenant Kari held back the urge to utter the word in a mocking tone. Of course, he had seen strong women in the military, and respects them as well but this time around, the entire thing just made little sense. "So, the civilian, who turns out to be a 'she' beat up a second-lieutenant with no injuries? Does that make any sense to you?"

"No." Replied Sergeant Mahmoud in all honesty. "I couldn't believe it as well until I saw her with my own eyes and well, she seems like a handful, that's all I can say." He shook his head after saying that to signify that indeed, she is beyond one's imagination because she is.

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