14; With, or without you.

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The complete book is currently available on both Okadabooks and Selar for those who don't want to wait for updates. And yes, I WILL FINISH IT HERE AS WELL! Yawwa, have a good day.

Shuri Special Forces, Abuja.

There was about Inaya at that very moment when she spoke. She didn't seem to have simply blurted it out on impulse. No, she seemed to have understood what her words truly meant, and was willing to stick to it until the very end.

The air was tense then, especially with the stare—or more like, the glaring contest going on between the two women. To be precise, one was glaring at the other, while the one on the receiving end wasn't willing to back down. Since when has she been one to do to so begin with?

Inaya doesn't care if they've taken her laid back attitude and painted an image of her in their head. They might as well add a few colorful colors to it and present it to her when she gives a damn about it—the day might be after forever, but they should keep hoping. She wouldn't stomp on their dreams.

However, they are about to cross a line that she doesn't mess with. And regardless of how she has been acting since she arrived, she knew how to take the lead better than anyone. Aadil knows first-hand.

"If you have a problem with how I run things," She started again, her tone losing any hint of lark. "If any of you," Breaking the glare off between her and Rukayya, she shifted her gaze across the room to land on each and every one of them. "have a problem with the way I'll run things, feel free to walk out. We don't have to force anything here, it's a free world after all."

No one spoke, or at least threw in a snarky comment. Though across certain people's face, annoyance was painted in bright colors impossible to miss.

Tapping her finger on the table, she yawed her expression blank as she took in a discrete deep breath. She didn't want to lose her calm; she wasn't one to do so. When she was certain of her mental state, she continued in a much calmer tone this time around.

"—I'm not better than any of you. No matter what image of me you painted in your head, I genuinely do not care. None of you here matter to me in that aspect. We are here for work though, people's lives are on the line and if you can't keep aside your personal feelings and get the work done, the door is wide open. I'll make sure Chief doesn't hold it against you, that much I can promise."

The last thing she wanted is for them to feel like they are forced into working with her. Sure, Chief made it seem like they didn't have a choice, but she was certain she could talk him out of that.

They are free to make their decisions. If they want to leave, so be it. She will get it done on her own. It wouldn't exactly be easy, but she wouldn't give up.

She waited for at least one person to speak up. She wasn't stupid to hope for them to suddenly change their mind because of her speech, but would it hurt to say she at least expected something from certain people amongst them?

The deafening silence took over, not leaving the slightest room for easiness to make its way in and settle down. It had fully occupied it, and was casually having a toast with tenseness coupled with a few shots of awkwardness.

They didn't voice it out, but silence is a pretty loud answer as well.

When no one made a move even in the slightest inch, much less voice anything out, she folded her lips in and nodded to herself—blowing out a small breath. "Alright." She mumbled, pushing her chair back. Once on her feet, she added. "I'll take care of this, as well as Chief—rest assured."

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