29; Wicked.

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Four Years Ago.

Baita Cantonment, Bauchi State.

Inaya went back to work the next day as it was Monday, having chosen to take the weekends off. Saturday was pretty much spent in Aadil's company, and Sunday spent with his mother along with brother that she'd gotten to know.

Aahil. He is definitely more outgoing than his otherwise brooding brother. They were exact opposites really, even in appearance. She didn't need to ask though, because when she got the chance to speak one-on-one with the man alone, he explained.

"Aadil is actually my cousin." Aahil stated, his gaze fixed ahead on the mother and son duo alone in the backyard, laughing at something Maa said. Aahil's lips slanted upwards into a warm smile at the sight of them. "My mother and his were siblings." He then turned around to meet Inaya's gaze, "My mother passed away when I was younger." He added softly.

Inaya's brows drew in, lips slanted into a frown. "I'm sorry about your loss." She stated, like she isn't aware already. Truth be told, she knows a bit more that would be termed odd. She knew a lot that would land her on Aadil's questioning side.

Aahil shook his head. "It's been way too long, don't worry about it. I mean, I barely even remember my mother." Despite admitting something extremely personal for him, he still held up that warm smile. His gaze slanted to the woman that has been a mother figure to him all his life, only for his smile to widen. "Maa took me in, and raised me as her own as well. I owe her my life."

Inaya's heart squeezed, when her mind drifted back to her conversation with the woman. It was clear both men adored her, she knew they would take her death hard. The thought alone made her uneasy. So, she looked away.

"Aadil is like a brother to me, regardless of not sharing the same parents blood." He continued. "I've known him all my life, and believe me when I say, it's the first time I'm seeing him interested in a woman enough to even bring her home."

Inaya swallowed thickly, the intensity of sincerity in his tone hard to miss. It squeezed her heart, and not in a good way. In a way that allowed guilt to peek in, and mock her for not being the most honest person around them.

"I'm glad he has you in his life." Aahil added, offering her the widest smile he can spot—genuine elation laced his tone. "The love he has for you is pure, believe me when I say that. And I can see the way you look at him too, you adore him."

Inaya offered him an uneasy smile, hoping he couldn't see past her façade as she blinked and looked down, feigning shyness when she was feeling anything but.

"—Take care of my brother, that's all I ask. He may not seem like it, but he's pretty vulnerable. Life hadn't exactly been all rosy for him as well and you, you're his salvation believe it or not. You matter to him a lot more than you can ever expect so please, cherish him."

Inaya could only offer him a smile that didn't reach her eyes, not knowing what to say or do again. Thankfully, he put an end to the guilt trapping conversation there, else she would've feared him seeing right through her façade to see the ugly parts she had been hiding.

She and Aadil were getting along a bit more than the two expected. It still wasn't serious, or at least, that was what they told themselves. Nothing official, but were simply testing the waters to see where it will take them.

Realization that coming Monday she won't see him at work made her mood dampen slightly, because she was starting to get a bit too used to his company. She didn't dwell on it though, simply choosing to believe it's for the best that he wasn't around.

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