21; Don't do that.

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Ngl, this is my favorite chapter in the whole book🥺❤️ what these two have is so precious.

Four Years Ago.

ATBUTH, Bauchi State.

"Luckily, you were able to bring her here on time, else it would've been bad."

Aadil's eyes were fixed on the doctor standing over Inaya's hospital bed, a clipboard in his hands while his eyes skimmed through the words written there.

When he was done reading through it, he flicked it close and dropped his hands by his side before lifting his gaze to meet Aadil's stern, and cold ones. He instantly gulped discreetly, feeling intimidated by the brooding man standing there.

If his aura didn't give away a hint of him being related to the force of some sort, then the khaki trousers and olive shirt did. He had rid himself off the uniform jacket, leaving it in the passenger seat of his car where a female colleague of theirs sat.

He had gotten two to help him get Inaya into the car and bring her to the hospital. One sat in the passenger seat, while the other sat in the backseat with an unconscious Inaya. That was two hours ago, and he had already sent them away after making it clear to them that they aren't allowed to let anyone know of what happened to the woman.

He made sure no one noticed them when they left, as something about the whole thing didn't sit right with him hence why he didn't take her to the division's medical center. He would rather keep the incident low before anything is finalized. There might be a problem if others know she suddenly collapsed.

He had stayed with her since then, throughout her being checked on by the doctors to her being moved to a hospital room. He made sure she was sent to a VIP ward as well, to minimalize people's eyes on her as well.

The doctor though couldn't help but feel intimidated. Aadil didn't disrupt their work, he gave them space when they asked and abided by whatever they said. However, his stance made it clear that if they made any wrong move, something might just happen.

They were quick to scurry off after treating her, only returning after two hours when Aadil ringed them to inform them that she has awoken. Which bring them back to their current situation.

"--The poison she ingested will eventually leave her system after a few days considering it hadn't done any fatal damage to her. That doesn't mean she is healthy as well. It had done a few damage to her, even more that she has a weak immune system. Her body won't be able to fight it off as easily as it would normally do to others. It will work much slower for her, but she will get better as well—that's the good news."

"Wait...poison?" Inaya voiced out, her brows scrunched together.

The doctor shifted his gaze to Aadil uncomfortably, as if silently asking whether he should let her know or not. She deserves to know, but he doesn't want to get on the wrong side of the soldier guy that has been glued to her side. Though, judging from her uniform that she is one as well.

Aadil let out a small, barely visible breath before shifting his gaze to her. "I'll explain later."

She didn't seem convinced, but nodded nonetheless; allowing the doctor to carry on with his work.

He cleared his throat, and then continued. "—As I was saying, it would take a few days to leave your system completely. However, we've administered sedatives to you now which would make you sleep for a while to help with the entire process. It would take a while to kick in, but it's best if you stay in bed for the next few days to recover completely. I'll come back to check on you in a few hours, for now, I'll allow you to rest."

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