9; Ciao. Te Amo.

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Sa'id Manse, Abuja.

"I'm telling you, Mi vida, Barcelona is much better than I last remembered it to be. And, it's only been what? Three years since I was last here? Doesn't matter! What I'm saying is, I absolutely adore this place, so, we might just end up staying here for longer than intended."

Inaya pressed her lips together, and then nodded though she's well aware, the person whom the action is directed towards won't see it. She resisted to roll her eyes, and instead opted to shake her head instead.

They are extending their trip? Shocker.

Note the sarcasm. As if she didn't see that coming already.

"—there's just too much to see, and so many places to explore yet again. The Art galleries are indeed as I remembered it. You just have to come with me next time, I'm certain you'll love it." Inaya quirked a brow on hearing that, as if to ask the excited woman ranting if she actually just said that.

Her, like art galleries? Yeah...no. A big one for that.

As if knowing the look masking the younger woman's face, the woman was quick to add. "—oh, get rid of that of that look on your face. You'll love it! Trust your Mama, will you?" There was this unmistakable accent in that woman's voice when she pronounced the word 'Mama'. Like always. "I have a good taste of almost everything. If I tell you you'll love it, put some trust in me. There's no need to give me that look."

Her mother usual nags had Inaya's lips stretching into a small smile. The woman knows her way too well. It made it almost impossible to hide things from her because she reads her like an open book—even without looking at her. She knew her daughter way too well.

"I'm finding that hard to believe, Mama." Inaya mumbled, reaching her hand out to pick up a robe from the row of clothing. Her hand fell on a silk cerise one, making her lips slant into a slight frown. She doesn't exactly hate the color, but she wasn't feeling like wearing anything bright that day.

So, she pushed the article of clothing to the side, and repeated the action a couple of times more in search of one that suits her mood. Her eyes eventually landed on a similar, but sage green one this time around. The slight click of her tongue concluded it as the one of her choice—so, she brought it out.

Her mother's voice continued playing in the background, while she shrugged on the robe. "—anyways, we miss you, truly. I wish you were here with us, and before you give me your long string of excuse, yes, I know you're busy with work but still. I feel like I barely spend time with my babies anymore. You're both all grown up now and are always busy with work." Her tone dropped, one that Inaya was used to at the moment.

Cue the dramatic mother in despair act...

"—if only you'd both spare some time to spend with me, I would die in peace." A huge sigh came from the dramatic woman on the other end. She blew out another breath, before she continued. "At least, answer my calls or call me back when you get time okay? Tell your brother as well, he is even worse than you are. Unless you two no longer love your Mama again, because it seems like it."

Inaya resisted the urge to roll her eyes again at her dramatic mother. Seriously, the woman should've just continued her career rather than retiring at an early age. She would've made it to Hollywood with the level of her career. She would win the Grammys as well. It's almost like she was made for this.

"--Check up on me, okay? Anyways, I got to go. Ciao! Te amo, mi vida."

"Te amo, Mama." Inaya mumbled, making her way towards the IPad she had placed on the vanity table, watching the video message her mother sent her all the way from Spain.

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