23; That's Not How this Works.

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Four Years Ago.

Baita Cantonment, Bauchi State.

Inaya was determined to make up for the work she had missed out on; though it turns out, there wasn't much. Her subordinates pretty much handled themselves well and did everything in her absence, leaving only a few that they couldn't handle on their own.

Mind set on not being brought down by anything, she made a decision to not leave the camp until she had completed everything. There were already a few rumors regarding her absence though she wasn't gone for long.

However, with how fast her past reputation had caught up with her, almost everyone had their eyes on her. So, how could they miss how she was absent with no official reason—with First Lieutenant Kari for that matter. A scandalous rumor was bound to spread.

Those that were at the shooting range the day she fainted didn't miss the exchange between them, at least up until they were out of sight after she pointed her gun at him. Safe to say, everyone knows the two are mortal enemies, or at least, no one dislikes her like he does. Did sizzling hate turn to burning passion? They couldn't help but wonder.

Else, why would they both disappear, and return like nothing happened? At least, Inaya returned. Aadil is nowhere in sight; he hasn't been since he dropped her back at the division before disappearing yet again.

He hadn't returned, and it's been hours already.

A sigh left Inaya's slightly parted lips, as she reached her hand out under the glasses she donned to rub her eyes. She had been working the entire day, and now, the sun had set long ago and everyone had left, leaving her alone to finish off since she was determined to do so.

Not to mention, she was trying to crack into the security footages. If not that she had work to finish off first, she would've done that long ago. Hacking a CCTV camera is like child's play to her. A military one though—Baita Cantonment in this regard, proves to be more difficult than expected.

Clearly, there's something they are hiding.

And she would be lying if she says the difficulty doesn't excite her. It meant there's something big, and if she gets her hands on it then only God knows how it'll be of importance to her.

After the action, she stretched her arms slightly before she pushed the chair back, and got on her feet. Rounding the table, she headed outside with the intention of getting water from the dispenser. On reaching where it is, she picked up a disposable cup before leaning down and pressing the cold water button.

When the liquid filled the cup to the brim, she paused and straightened her spine. Leaning on the nearest table, she brought the cup up and allowed the cold liquid to go down her throat.

The door opened, earning her attention almost immediately. When the person responsible for the action came into sight, her brows drew in, still downing the cup. However, when her eyes darted down, she nearly chocked on the water.

She was quick to drop it on the table, wiping the liquid on her lips and coughing a bit to clear her throat. Once she got that in check, she pushed herself off the table and hastily approached him—her lips slanted downwards while a crease formed between her brows.

She came to a stop in front of him, stopping his movement as well. Her eyes were fixed on his hand that was all bruised up and bloody, before tilting her head upwards to meet his gaze. "What the hell happened to you?" She questioned, her tone ladened with worry.


"Nothing?" She repeated, staring at him as if he'd grown ten heads. "You're bleeding."

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