25; Denial is a river in Egypt.

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Four Years Ago.

Kari Residence, Bauchi State.

"Why did you do that?" Questioned Aahil, as he reached his hand out to pick up a grape from the fruits bowl and throw it into his mouth.

Aadil's brows drew in, lips set into a permanent grin. "Do what?" He inquired instead, dropping the phone he had in his hand on the couch he's currently on. He had been checking it way too frequently, as if expecting a message only to seem disappointed at the end.

Though he tries to hide it, but still.

Aahil casted the phone a glance that lasted no longer than a second, before meeting his brother's eyes again. "Why did you get yourself suspended from work?" He picked up a few more grapes, before leaning back on the couch comfortably—his eyes never leaving the man seated opposite him.

Aadil didn't reply instantly, but the look on his face pretty much served as the answer Aahil was looking for—or more like, a question he could detect from a single glance as well.

As such, he found himself letting out a small chuckle, before popping another grape in his mouth. "You didn't think you could fool me, right? I mean, Maa might've bought that excuse of yours, but there's no way I couldn't see right through that act of yours." He didn't give Aadil the chance to answer again, before he added in a tone that showed he truly was certain of his words. "You got suspended, didn't you? You aren't taking your vacation days."

Aadil found himself shaking his head slightly. Why did he even bother to hide it from this man? Of course he would eventually figure it out. "How?" He inquired instead, whilst intertwining his fingers.

"I have my ways." Aahil answer instead, not giving a straight answer. "And besides, it's you we're talking about. I doubt anyone, Maa included would be able to make you take vacation days off work. You've never done that before, why now? I guess you didn't notice, but you've been at home for two weeks now, three in two days. Isn't that enough to raise suspicions?"

He was right, that much Aadil couldn't deny.

He still didn't give out a direct answer though. Instead, he pressed his lips together, leaned back on the couch comfortably and looked away.

Aahil understood his brother's silence, it spoke volumes. He simply looked down, his mood drastically dampening before he questioned in a low tone. "Is this because of the Chief Superintendent?" He inquired, still not meeting Aadil's gaze. "Are you rebelling now to ruin his image since he's about to become the Commissioner of Police?"

He didn't need to. They both have a silent understanding whenever the man is brought up.

Aadil kept his lips sealed for a little while longer, before he eventually responded. "His issue is his to deal with." His finger reached out to pinch the tip of his nose. "He should've have tried to get me involved." He added in a low voice.

Aahil sighed, shaking his head in the process. "Let me guess..." Though he said that, he already knew his guess will be accurate. "...he wanted you to maintain a clean slate as well especially during this critical period for him. Clearly, he doesn't want you to ruin his image."

"He had this coming the moment he stated that." Aadil didn't sound remorseful in the slightest that he ruined that perfect slate he had in the military just for the sake of rebelling against his father.

If he had any, then it was wiped out by the countless phone calls he received from the man and the endless scolding that clearly showed it took everything in him not to fly to Bauchi and give him a piece of his mind.

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