33; Love, a soul that cares.

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A Random Hangout, Abuja.

Inaya was surprised when she received a call from Rukayya, asking to meet up.

It seemed a lot of that has been happening frequently—the people she least expects reaching out to her like that. Still, regardless of a voice in her head urging her to ignore the meetup, she still went ahead—wanting to hear what could be the reason behind it.

So, they met up at a hangout Inaya had never been to before. It didn't take long for her to spot Rukayya in a booth alone, and when she did, she approached her.

"What do you want to talk about?" Inaya inquired, dropping her crossed hands by the side. Her expression was blank, but her tone dripped boredom. It was clear she wanted to be anywhere but there because she truly doesn't.

Rukayya offered her a onceover, before she answered in a light tone. "You seem jovial, as always." The sarcasm lacing her tone was hard to miss.

Inaya didn't find it amusing in the slightest. If anything, she only spared the woman a glance that showed she either gets to the point, or she vamoose. She'd already gone out of her way by agreeing to meetup in such a bad mood.

She has enough on her mind already; she doesn't need this woman to add to it.

"You have five minutes." Inaya stated dismissively, "That's more than enough time I can spare you."

Unable to help herself, Rukayya stated in a blank tone. "You know I really don't like you." The corner of her lips twitched up slightly in annoyance, but she tamed it down. She knows she should be used to Inaya's acts by now, she's seen enough to be certain it's just her character that way, but she's still finding it hard to digest a person with such attitude.

Inaya would laugh her hijab off if she knows the thought crossing Rukayya's mind. Reason being, she's way softer than she used to be around them. If they are to meet the real Inaya, the one that stirs up chaos without a single care...she wonders how they will take it.

She held back the urge to roll her eyes. "Repeat those words to me when your opinion matters to me." She rebuked, without holding back in the slightest.

They should be grateful Aadil has a soft spot in her heart. It's because of him that she's holding back on a lot of things. They are still yet to meet the real Inaya. They think she's bad? They should've seen her before she met him.

She'd leave them flabbergasted then. She was that bad.

Rukayya was so close to snapping. It's honestly surprising how easily Inaya gets under her skin, and she doesn't even have to try hard. She just does.

Holding back the urge to react in a way she would undoubtedly regret later, she bit her lower lip to hold herself back from spewing colorful words. Looking away for a brief second, she swallowed thickly and took in a deep breath—before she spoke again.

Her gaze met Inaya's, now blank of any emotion. "Look, I really don't want to be in your presence any longer than necessary."

"Then you'd better make this quick because I feel the same way."

"I called you here because of Aadil."

Inaya instantly quirked a brow, before rolling her eyes and holding back the urge to hiss. If this woman tries that 'stay away from him, he's mine' nonsense she'd probably give her a piece of her mind. She wasn't in the mood for such nonsense.

"—I'm the one who told his father about you." Rukayya admitted instead, though there was no hint of remorse in her tone.

Inaya eyed her drily. "What's your point because I know you don't regret it."

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