From You, 2000 Years Ago

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Disclaimer: I don't own Attack on Titan.

Previously: They watched Grisha's memories and saw how Eren persuaded his Dad into killing the royal family.

A/N:  Please point out the grammar and spell mistakes. And thank you to @AtreusTheGreat for writing the transcript.


Frieda fully transformed into her Founding Titan and stood up in front of the Reiss family, facing Grisha's Attack Titan. Finally, both of them charged each other. Frieda's Titan gave out an angry roar and tried to make contact with Grisha's Titan with her right hand, but he quickly evaded it, sending his right arm trying to punch Founding Titan's face. Frieda dodged it in time, being ready to send a counterattack, but Attack Titan quickly sent the next punch right into his opponent's face successfully, causing blood to erupt from the impact.

Historia looked away again. "Why do we have to see this again?"

Eren looked at her sadly. He wanted to talk to her, but he listened to what Ymir told him and gave her time.

Both Titans fall, with Grisha's being on top of Frieda's. Founding Titan tried to get from the opponent's lock, but immediately received multiple punches in the face, turning Attack Titans's fist completely bloody. Then, it used another hand to rip off Frieda's Titan's left arm and threw it away behind him. Finally, Grisha leaned towards the nape of the severely beaten Founding Titan, bit it, and pulled his head up to eat the Royal. The pull was so strong that he also ripped off the head of Frieda that landed right in front of the Royal family, much to their horror.

Finally, Attack Titan stood up, now with his eyes turning purple. Then he menacingly looked at the witnesses of the battle. Grisha immediately crushed Abel and Dirk Reiss with his hand, stomped on Florian and her mother who tried to escape, and rose his hand with Urklyn in it, before squashing him to his death, as the blood from his body made the screen fade away.

Ymir put her hands over Historia's ears, so she didn't have to listen to it either.

"How awful." Petra mumbled.

The scenery changed to the forest where Reiss Chapel was located. Grisha was sitting on his knees, and looked down to the ground, with his Titan marks still visible. An open case with a loaded syringe was laying near him. His eyes were watery, he was close to tearing up.

"Why won't you show me everything? The Wall is being destroyed... The day it happens... If Carla is safe..." Grisha said with a shivering voice as he grabbed his forehead and his body began to shake. "Was this really the only way?"

Zeke was standing right before him. "You are there, aren't you, Zeke?" Grisha quietly murmured. Zeke stared at his father with wide eyes.

"From here on, things won't go your way. Only Eren will get what he wants," Grisha said.

Hange's eyes widened and shared a look with Erwin. "How much did Eren manipulate in total? What do you think?" she whispered.

Erwin hummed. "More than just his Father... But who and when, I don't know..."

Levi glanced at them. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"What... Did you say?" Zeke asked in disbelief.

Grisha slightly looked up. "I saw Eren's memories of what comes next. But I never imagined it would be so terrible."

He fully looked up at him and gasped at whom he saw with teary eyes. "Zeke...?" He stood up and brought his hands to the front. "Is that you?! How you've grown! I'm sorry... I was a terrible father. The things I put you through were so cruel." He moved forward and hugged Zeke. Zeke's face was full of shock and fear. "Zeke... I love you!" Tears started to roll down Grisha's face. "If only I had spent more time with you..." Grisha started to cry on his son's shoulder, while Zeke was staring into the distance, trying to process everything.

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