Chapter 08

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A loud car honk made me frown

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A loud car honk made me frown. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, ready for school but I, in now way want to go with that asshole again. I sighed and made my way downstairs. I wont even look at his face, he cant force me. I shut the door behind me and locked it. My eyes fell on the black Mercedez infront of my gate and my eyes widened. Even tho I wanted to admire it so much, I was more determined to have a peaceful day today and not see that asshole.

The horn of the car was blown again but I made a sharp turn, totally ignoring him. I could hear the car door open and someone follow me. No, not this time babe, you cant get me this time.

A gasp escaped my lips when he pulled me into him but it felt different, it felt gentle. He placed his chin on my shoulder "Let go of me jerk! Let go of me! I'll fucking kick you in those balls!" A small chuckle made me blush "Really? But what did I do?" my eyes widened. It wasnt Zeus!

I turned towards the person and a bright smile formed on my face "Oh my god! Alex!" He nodded and pulled me into a warm hug, I immediately wrapped my arms around him and rested my face on his chest "I missed you!" I said. He placed his chin on my head "I was gone just for a day" I hugged him tighter "It felt so lonely" He chuckled at my response and kissed the top of my head. I blushed hard and buried myself more into his chest.

"It's okay, let's get into the car! Also tell me why were you running away!" I sighed and nodded. Alex opened the door for me and I sat in. He sat on the driver's seat and started the car. The engine roared and we were finally off for school.

Shivers ran down my spine as I saw Zeus looking at us with petrifying eyes, his face looking like a stone, no expressions just a clenched jaw. I gulped and looked away. He is so weird.

Warmth spread through my body as something touched my thighs. Blood rushed to my cheeks as I saw Alex gripping my thigh, his eyes on the road as he hummed a tune. Boys look hot without even doing anything. That's the natural charm they have.

"So tell me, why were you running away? You also wanted to kick me in the balls" He chuckled. I smiled nervously but then voluntarily a sigh left my mouth. "It's about Zeus, he acted so weird yesterday, made me sit in his car forcefully and stuff so I thought it was him, I didn't think you'd be the one with a brand new car"

Alex looked at me and frowned "What did that jerk do? Tell me y/n!" He was concerned, his face said it all. I told him everything and I could literally see his face turning into the deepest shade of red "I'll fuck him up, I swear!" I placed my hand on his that was on my thigh "It's okay, I don't think he'd bother me again now that you are back"

Alex nodded "I hope so otherwise he'd meet doom in such a young age! I am so sorry for not being here yesterday!" I passed him a charming smile "It's okay now that you are here! By the way, how's Emma?"

Alex's jaw clenched at the mention of the name. "She is okay now, will be coming back in a few days. Someone messed up with her car, who could even hate her? These stupid people make me so much angry"

I was wondering about the same thing. Who could even do that? I was hiding from Alex that Zeus was at my place and he ended the call from Yuki, also the thing that he was staring at us with a deadly face earlier. I hope this has nothing to do with him. I will probably tell Alex when it the right time.

Ik this was boring but I promise things will get better. Next part on its way <3 [Do vote! Please]

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