Alternate Ending 2

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"You are free now"

I cracked my knuckles as I stood outside the jail, a smirk on my face. I knew exactly where to go and what to, finally after fifteen years. Well my jail time was more than two decades but yeah, what can money not do? My parents got me out somehow. Now finally, I am going to do everything properly, no messing this time. I smiled as I looked at the chain wrapped around my wrist with a soft smile. This belongs to my princess, i hope she has waited for me or else...


We were decorating the Christmas tree and Yuki ran here and there, excited. She has alot of expectations from Santa and me and Noah are confused where to find her a unicorn as her present now. "Do you really think she'll be okay with a stuff toy?" Noah asked. I rolled my eyes "What were you planning then?? To go in a search of a real unicorn??" I sighed. Noah looked at me with puppy eyes "But maybe they exist!" He whispered "No they don't baby!!" He hummed and closed his mouth. Oh god, I've two babies at this house.

It was snowing outside and Yuki was admiring everything from the huge glass doors. I smiled looking at her "You like it Yuki?" I asked, she smiled cheerfully and nodded "I've always liked snow, mama" ofcourse I know baby. Noah was completely focused on decorating the tree, he placed every star and every light so perfectly. His hands looked so gorgeous and his long, slender fingers seemed to dance gracefully while decorating the tree. He is one of the, no, he is the most handsome man I've ever seen and I don't lie when I say this, he is perfect.

Yuki tried opening the Glassdoor but it was locked. I yelled "No Yuki! You'll be cold! Don't step out!" She frowned "But mama!" I glared her "I said a no!" She rolled her eyes and sat on the couch, watching tv. A chuckle escaped Noah's mouth and I looked at him, tilting my head "You really are such a good mother baby, i always knew you'd be a great mum" my eyes softened at his words as I sat beside him and kissed his cheek "But am i a good wife baby? I hope you aren't disappointed in me"

A small decorative item fell off his hands and broke into several glass pieces. He looked at me and accidentally placed his hand over the pieces but not even a single expression could be seen on his face other than confusion "Y/N L/N, are you a little crazy over there?" I removed his hand from the glass and yelled "Noahhhh! You are bleeding dummy! Let's go, I'll treat it!"

He placed his other hand on my mouth and sighed "Don't ever ask me that question again? Okay?" I nodded under his hand. "You are the best wife, the best mother and the best person to be around. You are perfect to me and you are all I've ever asked for, to god. You and Yuki, both of you, I am nothing without you both. You are the best so don't ever think otherwise, okay?" I nodded again. "Good" he finally dropped his hand and smiled at me "Now, shall we get this treated from the best doctor y/n?" I chuckled and nodded "Let's go"

Before going to the other room, I looked at the grumpy daughter of mine "Baby, me and papa are going to the other room, I'm gonna treat his wounds. Well be back in five minutes so don't touch anything sharp here or do anything mischievous which might make mama angry, okay?" She looked at me with a pout "Only if I get a brownie later" I smiled "Ofcourse baby" she smiled brightly as I left the room with Noah.

Little Yuki heard a small knock on the glass windows, but as soon as she looked there, nobody could be seen. She ignored it and focused on the cartoon show on the tv but another knock disturbed her. She became curious and looked at the door of the room, hoping her mother wouldn't catch her if she went near the window to see who was knocking.

Slowly walking towards the window, she tried hard opening it but failed miserably. Finally she grabbed a chair and stood on it, successfully opening the lock but before she could step out, she heard her mum yell "No brownies for you now Yuki!" She said as she ran towards her daughter, Noah followed after her. "What were you even doing??" She asked. Yuki looked at her, as tears gathered in her eyes "Mom stop yelling! Someone was knocking and I just wanted to check!"

Y/N thought it was just her excuse to save herself but she let her go, seeing tears in her eyes. "Okay I'm sorry baby, why don't you and papa decorate the tree?" Y/N looked at Noah with pleading eyes. He nodded and held her hand, taking her with him as they both decorated the tree peacefully.

Y/N continued looking out the window. Her eyes narrowed as she saw something shining outside the glassdoor, on the floor. She opened the window slightly to see what it was. Her heart started to beat very fast as she saw a small gold chain and a letter near it. She recognised the chain, it was her chain that she gave to Zeus a fifteen years ago.

"What are you doing baby?" Noah yelled from back. Y/N nervously laughed "Nothing, was just checking the weather" Noah hummed "Close the doors now, you'll be cold otherwise" he said. Y/N gulped and shut the door, covering them with the thick curtains. She sat on the chair as her knees felt weak and looked at the letter. Her eyes widened to see it written by blood, which was fresh

"Don't be too happy without me, I dislike it"


Guys, finally the book is over. No more updates will be from this book anymore. I really hope you all enjoyed this and I am really sorry if my replies ever came out rude to any of my reader, i never meant to be rude and I also want to say sorry for not replying to everyone but now I'll try my best to reply to every single one of you!

I love you all so much and please keep shining, you are precious and valued alot! 💖

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