Chapter 14

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Hello family! We just completed more than 3K reads on this bookwhich means a lot to me! Thanksfor being here and reading the bo-ok! Lots of love! <3

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Hello family! We just completed more than 3K reads on this book
which means a lot to me! Thanks
for being here and reading the bo
-ok! Lots of love! <3

Onto the chapter :)


She was confused and sad. She had dared to trust a stranger over her bestfriend, now boyfriend. And the stranger created a web of lies to separate her from Alex and defame Alex. He had also lied about them planning to have sex together to Alex. And as if this wasn't enough, he still had the audacity to show up at her door and drop her at school as if he was innocent and had done nothing.

She had decided not to even look at his face ever again. She knew there would be nothing good in arguing with him, he'd just create some more lies to cover up the previous ones. She couldn't trust him anymore now.

"Hey! Y/N!" A familiar voice called her from behind as she was walking towards her house. Alex had left for his home already, his mother was calling him. She didn't stop. "Y/N! Wait!" But she didn't. She disliked this voice so much at the moment.

A harsh pull yanked her back. She hissed with pain "Stop fucking ignoring me!" and there he was, staring at her with petrifying eyes and a dull face. Bandaids on his cheeks and some medicines applied on his fake bruises. She was beyond disgusted to see how fake he was.

Y/N yanked her hand away from his harsh grip and stepped closer to him, staring directly into his eyes and speaking with confidence in her voice "Otherwise what? You'll go make up more fake stories and try to ruin my friendships with people?"

Zeus looked at her face with no expression at all. "What do you mean?" He asked in his usual deep voice. "Dont try to act smart Zeus, I know what you are trying to do" Zeus licked his lips "I had my reasons" Y/N scoffed "Reasons? Reasons to defame Alex? Reasons to lie about us having sex next week? I wonder if you not having wifi was a lie too"

Zeus sighed "Alright, listen, lets sort this all out, we need to talk" He said. She shook her head and scoffed "Who are you to me? A mere stranger who created a web of lies to defame my boyfriend and to ruin our relationship"

Zeus shivered "Boyfriend who?" He asked in a scary voice sending shivers down Y/N's spine "Alex, me and Alex are dating with intentions to get married and you shouldn't have any problem with it" with that she turned around and paced towards her house.
Glancing at Zeus for the last time, she spoke in a serious voice "Dont you come closer to me or any of my friends again" and then she went in, shutting the door with a loud bang.

"We'll see about that" and with that, with his bloodshot eyes and shivering figure, he went into his house. He couldn't think to exist without her now and he wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone who comes in his way.

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Now we will soon see his super yandere side after a few more chapters! Please hold onto your hearts, ladies and gentlemen! <3

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Now we will soon see his super yandere side after a few more chapters! Please hold onto your hearts, ladies and gentlemen! <3

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