Chapter 10 Your loving Commander (Pt.2)

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"*Cocks rifle with malicious intent*"

"If I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die with them...."

"Fucks think a devil won't chase them...?"

"Oh, you fucks pissed off the real Satan this time..."

Mazuhashi then left the office with full gear on and is on the hunt for the other Commanders

He only killed two and knocked out one; out of the five Commanders

But he's smart enough to think they didn't go alone. God knows how many did they bring

As he got out of his building. He looked like he just gutted out a fat pig. But an ugly one at that. The storm increases intensity every thirty minutes and he can't hear so he needed to check every fucking corner to stay alive.

He then checks his watch

3:27 AM

Seeing that it is almost morning he didn't waste enough time though as he has girls to save. This base is huge but good thing he has vehicles placed on every corner.

He then got on a SUV

If they are here that means there are not many. It is impossible for the people outside the island to notice a large group going to his island. He expected more than just five people

He then drove towards the Royal Navy Dorms

As he was driving towards the entrance




Three bullets hit his SUV and Mazuhashi was startled as the car went out of control


Mazuhashi didn't ram anything as he immediately grabbed his rifle

He then got out of the car and hugged by the side of it

He then crouched down and went to the engine block of his car. He made sure to look under his car because he doesn't like his feet getting shot

Because of the storm he can't hear footsteps or the splash of the puddles

"Fuck...." As he can't hear anything, he had to rely on reaction and fucking luck

As minutes went by, he then heard feint footsteps 10 meters from where he is at

Seconds later, he heard voices

"*Muffled* Hey, did we get him?" A male's voice can be heard

"*Muffled* No shit. Those two shots look like they hit...."

As Mazuhashi is thinking about what to do in this situation. His heart is beating fast. Until he realized...

Mazuhashi them lay down on the ground and aimed


Mazuhashi shot whoever's leg that was shot


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