Chapter 29 You picked the wrong Island fool!

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In a normal fresh morning, Mazuhashi started his day by doing his everyday routine by just exercising and waiting for Belfast to deliver his breakfast for him

But before that he then goes to his TV and opens it up in the new channel

*Exaggerated news intro*

"Hello, people of the world, we are the World International News bringing you shocking news today."

"About 2 PM yesterday, an unknown fleet attacked Pearl Harbor but before they attacked Pearl Harbor they destroyed a F-22 Raptor which the pilot who identified as First Sargeant Liam Hines was instantly killed by a direct hit from a "laser"."

"Later the two remaining pilots of which the original three were sent to identify the "unknown" fleet, identify them as enemies and were forced to retreat. But they didn't expect the unknown fleet to send interceptor planes to get them. But was saved by the warships down below and provided support."

"The enemy overwhelmed the Air Force stationed in Hawaii and the navy stationed there but unexpectedly but for me coincidentally the Russian Pacific Fleet came in and helped the US Fleet to destroy the fleet."

"Casualties are getting counted but what we have reported is 200 civilian deaths and around 50 plus military personnel."

"The Enemy Fleet saw that they could not win against the US Pacific Fleet and the Russian Pacific Fleet so they retreated but their loss is minimal."

"The US and Russians pinpointed the direction they are heading and they are going straight to Japan. The Japanese government was alerted and sent one of their best Fleets to intercept them along with a German fleet and a British Fleet."

"More news will arrive later. Stay safe, and have a Good day."

And when Mazuhashi closed the TV he went silent

"Excuse me, the fuck?"


Outside Mazuhashi's office, several shipgirls had their ears pressed on the door, seemingly looking like they are eavesdropping

"I appreciate the help but did I hear it wrong?"

"So you're telling me that this unknown fucking fleet just went straight through Hise's and David's fleet without both of them knowing? Impossible!"

"And then you said that Wesley's fleet got bitch slapped by unknown flying objects that number around a hundred? You gotta be shitting me!"

"I fucking request Yasukko's fleet to be closer to us. What do you mean it's not possible?"

"Look, I know you guys are getting this mess under control but you have to remember as these girls aren't even ready for what modern ship warfare looks like. What if the enemy has cruise missiles? That would be disastrous and will get themselves killed! I shit you not, after this event I'm gonna best yer' ass risking them to get killed!"

"Huh?" Mazuhashi then noticed his office door slightly opened "Hold on for a sec."

Mazuhashi then goes to the door and opens it

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