Chapter 24 A "naturally" sick Commander

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On a beautiful fresh breezy morning of the Friday. Belfast happily hummed a gentle tune as she carries a tray that is her commander's (Mazuhashi) breakfast

Recently Maz put a small table outside so that she can knock on the door without any issues of the other hand holding the tray

She puts the tray down on the small table and knocks on the door with the classic three knock sound

"Oh, Master, you're breakfast is here."



"That's strange..."

Maz didn't answer....

"Usually, Master would immediately answer before the third knock sounded. Though I couldn't imagine how he has very quick responses I guess it's normal for him."

"But it feels strange..."

Belfast then knocks on the door again

And again... no answer

"Something's definitely wrong but I couldn't put my finger into it." Though it might be rude (for her standard) to enter a private room without permission she couldn't just slip though

So she tried opening the door and it's actually unlocked. Belfast then peeked


When Belfast looked inside the office. The lights are off, everything seems to be well placed like it has been reorganized to be ready the next day. And the commander isn't on his office chair either

"Definitely something wrong...." she proceeds to enter the office and opened the light switch

She looked around and see if anything has a slight change. As a maid she can easily tell how well placed some items are and some aren't. But to her, everything seems to be neat snd tidy

And then she looks at another door, next to his office table

"This door seems to lead to his bedroom. Maybe, Master overslept...." as Belfast approached the door she knocked

"Uhm, Mast-" she was suddenly cut off

"Ugh.... coming!"

Sounds of the door unlocking and then opening. Belfast saw Maz. With a mask, slightly baggy eyes, and a very sick aura. He also limping or literally using the sides of the door as support as he looks like he's about to fall from exhaustion

"O-Oh, Master, uh, your breakfast-" she was cut off again

"Yeah just.... leave it on the table, I'll eat it later. *sniffle* Ugh, Yeah...." (Mazuhashi)

"Are you alright, Master?" Belfast worriedly asked

"Yeah no. Fuckin' can't have proper sleep. Why does this happen every single year.... egh *sniffle*." (Mazuhashi)

At least Maz is brutally honest to himself and of course his words and his tone sounds like he's having a repeating shitty day. Well for him, every year

"Do you want Vestal to come treat you?" Belfast suggested

"Nah, this fucking sickness *sniffle* is so damn worse, I doubt Vestal could even treat me." As Mazuhashi said this Vestal somehow came out of nowhere

"I felt a very sick person here so I cane here with my kit and rushed!" Vestal enthusiastically said

"Where the fuck did you come from?" (Mazuhashi)

When Vestal of course settle her equipment, Maz then slowly walks to his Bed and sat down so that Vestal could check up on him

She did all the basic procedures

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