Chapter 16 Runner

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It's already December 18 and Mazuhashi is feeling a bit impatient. He doesn't like to be in the wild now and likes to be in his bed relaxing his back and not on cold hard surfaces like this fucking cave he is in.

Then he got a notification in his group chat "The Commanders of the World"

DatPrince: [Yo, Extraction will be available in ETA 2 fucking days. Just survive and help me with this. I ain't dealing with this bullshit you call paperwork (⁠ノ⁠`⁠Д⁠'⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ ]

HashiSticks: [Bruh, thanks I guess]

In Mazuhashi's mind

"Yes! Now I can finally escape this hellhole!"

The next day (December 19)

Another notification came

Yafucko: [Ayo, this is Asahi 1 to Asahi 2, talk to me bruh.]

HashiSticks: [This is Asahi 2, what the fuck you want?]

Yafucko: [How's it been Maz? :D]

Shot(r)a: [Bruh we heard and came straight towards here as fast as we could. The fuck you have been? I've been contacting you and only Enty-san is responding to my calls]

HashiSticks: [Did she tell you about my situation?]

Shot(r)a: [No?]

HashiSticks: [Then shut the fuck up nerd.]

HashiSticks: [As for your question Yassuko, I fell victim to several several sexual harassments and it might be a world record a single person would get sexually violated 7 times in an hour.]

Mitsu: [Did something unbelievable happen?]

HashiSticks: [Still pure as water]

Yafucko: [Moving on. I've heard the prince is gonna send at least a team worth of SAS or Navy SEAL units]

Yafucko: [Which is bad because that is our Plan B. Plan A was picking you up by helicopter but we ain't risking getting shot down by those carrier girls of yours. Especially those two you mentioned a month ago]

Yafucko: [So you have to run as fast as you fucking can. Make sure to take painkillers if your legs still hurt. You know we'll not help you if you get R'd right? The cookie is awfully silent this month and your big sis betrayed yah.]

Ishiarihs: [Remember that one time we played Tarkov together and I shouted I killed two fully geared players until we have to fight 2 fully geared Squads?]

Shot(r)a: [Yeah our bags are super full and we all dashed towards the extraction point. Maz almost died from a sniper and a scav but everyone survived]

HashiSticks: [Yeah, fucking, my heart was beating so fast I might get a heart attack from that bruh that was so intense]

Yafucko: [Yeah, anyways we'll be waiting for yah at the docks Maz. Be there.]

HashiSticks: [Sure...]

As the group convo ends, Yassuko meanwhile is seen leaning back against his chair and stretched

Then suddenly he got a message from Wesley

Wes: [It's the first time I heard a guy getting raped. I'm honestly surprised it actually exists.]

Yassuko: [Ever heard of femdom m8?]

Wes: [Female Dominance? I don't get why you guys are that down bad. Chill, you guys fucking need Jesus...]

Yassuko: [>:D]

Wes: [But seriously though why?]

Yassuko: [Well bros before whoes. He promised us 10 thousand dollar pizza for new years eve. Wanna join?]

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