chapter two

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Hurrying along the sidewalk of a suburban neighborhood, Stiles glances over to scott who was standing next to aria.

Stiles: What?

Scott: What do you mean what?

Stiles: mean what. And you know what.

Scott: What what?

Aria: The look that you were giving.

Scott: I wasn't giving a look.

Stiles: Oh, there was a distinct look.

Scott: What look?

Aria: The one that says the last thing
you feel like doing is going to a party.

Scott: It's not that. It just feels a little weird going to a different high school's party.

Stiles: One drink, you'll be fine. Aria and i went to nursery school with this girl. She promised to introduce us to all of her friends. So no Allison, no Lydia. We're moving on and maybe you can find someone to crush on.

Aria: yea... Stiles you also need to move on you've been crushing on the same girl since the third grade I mean I think your good for each other but dude move on if she gets even a little jealous you have a chance if she doesn't feel anything you need to move on for real.

Stiles: Oh, wow! Thank you so much for that mind-blowing revelation. I never would have guessed that after all these years, I should just magically stop having feelings for someone. I mean, who needs emotional attachments anyway? It's not like human emotions are complex and deeply ingrained or anything. Your profound insight into my love life is truly remarkable. I'll get right on that, moving on from someone I've liked for practically my entire existence. How foolish of me to not realize that jealousy is the secret ingredient to true love. Thank you, oh wise one, for enlightening me with your invaluable advice.

Aria: you do realize am trying to he-

Scott: Moving on.

Stiles: Onward and upward.

Scott: Let's do this.

Stiles: That's what I'm talking about.

They turn down a walkway to the door of an upscale house.

Scott: Can you at least tell me what kind of party it is?

Heather: Stiles!

Heads turn to Stiles, Aria, and Scott who have wandered inside.

Throwing her arms around Stiles, Heather lands a kiss right on his lips.

Heather: So happy you made it. Come help me pick out a bottle of wine.

Shocked by the kiss, Stiles glances to Aria who gives him an encouraging nod.

As Heather draws Stiles away, Aria's phone buzzes. It was a MESSAGE from Allison.

Aria: for some reason you guys always say you give terrible advice, but look at Stiles he is finally gonna lose his virginity and is about to move on from Lydia.

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