chapter eight

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Tires burning up the pavement, Scott races his motocross bike to a stop in the school’s parking lot. He yanks his helmet off just as Stiles’s Jeep soars in beside him revealing aria and Stiles.

Stiles: Where is she?

Allison: Over here!

They spot Allison coming out of the shadows with Lydia.

Aria: What happened?

Allison: I don’t know. I just got here.

Stiles: Lydia?

Lydia: It’s the same thing--same as the
pool. I got into my car, heading somewhere totally different, then ended up here. And you told me to call when there’s a dead body.

Aria: Where is the body?

Lydia: I dont know

Stiles: What do you mean i dont know? You’re supposed to call after you find the dead body. After.

Lydia: Oh, no. I’m not doing that again. You find the dead body from now on.

Stiles: How are we supposed to find the dead body? You’re the one who’s always finding the dead body.

Scott: Guys... I found the dead body.

Scott looks past them to the BEACON HILLS HIGH SCHOOL SIGN atop which Deputy Graeme lies. Garrote around her neck. Blood streaming down the stone and brick.

Aria: it's Tara.



Peering around a corner, Stiles and aria  watches their father confer with DEPUTIES and PLAINCLOTHES OFFICERS.

With a last note jotted down, noah gives the group a nod and then notices his
Kids watching.

They try to slip away, but noah stops them before they can get too far.

Noah: Hey. Back it up. I know what you’re thinking. I know you’ve got all
these ideas about patterns and people dying in threes--

Stiles: Murdered, Dad. Sacrificed actually.

Noah: Whatever you want to call it. I still don’t want you worrying. I’ve got half the state, including FBI, coming in on this. They’re not getting away with killing one of our own.

Aria: They killed Tara, Dad. She used to help us with our math homework when We had to wait at the station for you.

THE BELL RINGS, all of them left awkwardly searching for something to say. But all noah can think of is--

Noah: Get to class, okay?

With a nod, they slips into the rush of students.

Aria: Allison isn't at school, am gonna go check up on her.

Stiles: but we've got class.

Aria: so i always skip, and still get straight a's.

Aria stepped away from her brother and got ready to go to Allison’s.



Aria is outside Allison’s window as she sees Chris and allison talking about the school recital.

Chris rises to leave, but holds still a moment, watching allison.

Chris: Take as many days as you need. School can wait.

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