chapter six

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The view of the Glen Capri changes, exterior updating as modern cars whip past while buildings rise up to surround the still iconic but no longer isolated motel.

A SCHOOL BUS rumbles into the lot, doors swinging open.

Coach and his Cross Country team disembark. An exhausted Scott, Aria and Stiles step out, followed by Allison and Lydia.

Scott: I’ve seen worse.

Aria: Where in the holy hell have you seen worse?

A WHISTLE BLOWS and Coach holds up a handful of ROOM KEYS in front of the gathering students.

Coach: Listen up. The Meet’s been pushed to tomorrow morning. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgment in accepting a group of degenerates like yourselves. You’ll be pairing up. Choose wisely.

He begins handing the keys.

Aria grabs a key and takes her bag following stiles and scott up to their room.

Aria: this feels like a start of a horror movie.



Exhausted, Aria falls back onto the bed, staring up at the slowly spinning ceiling fan.

Stiles and Scott falls in next to her.

Stiles: I have four.

Scott: Four? How could you have four

Stiles: It was originally ten. Although, I might have listed Derek twice.

Aria: Who’s your number one? Harris?

Stiles: Just because he’s missing doesn’t mean he’s dead.

Aria: So if he’s not dead, our chemistry teacher is out secretly committing human sacrifices?

Scott, aria and Stiles slowly turn to share a look.

Stiles: Yeah, made more sense in my head.

Aria: he is dead, nobody found him yet

Stiles hops off the bed, pacing nervously.

Scott: What if it’s someone else in the
school? We never thought it was Matt killing people.

Aria: Ugh that asshole still drives chills up my spine.

Stiles: Excuse me, I called that from day one.

Scott: Yeah, but we never seriously thought it was Matt.

Stiles: I was serious. Quite serious.
Deadly serious. No one listened.

Scott: Who are your other three?

Stiles: Derek’s sister, Cora. Nobody knows anything about her. And she’s
Derek’s sister. Next, your boss.

Aria: My boss?

Stiles: i dont like The whole Obi-Wan Kenobi thing? You know it freaks me out.

Aria and scott looked at each other with a confused looked trying to figure out what Stiles was talking about.

Stiles: Oh my god have you two still haven’t seen Star Wars, have you?

Scott: I swear I’ll watch it if we make it back alive. Who’s the last one?

Stiles sits down again and softly speaks the name of his final suspect.

Stiles: Lydia.

Scott and aria glances to him, surprised.

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