chapter eleven

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Within the depths of her subconscious, Aria found herself trapped in a disorienting nightmare, she starts to plead with herself.

Aria: Don't let her in

she was trembling and perspiration glistening on her forehead.

Suddenly, her eyes shot open, and Aria discovered herself standing in the familiar surroundings of the girl's locker room.

Bewildered by her inexplicable relocation, Aria cautiously stepped out of the locker room and proceeded down the corridor, her footsteps echoing in the stillness. With each stride, her confusion grew, until she reached a classroom door.

As she turned the handle, the scene before her transformed into the eerie beacon hills hospital morgue.

However, instead of lifeless bodies, a colossal stump from the ancient Nemeton materialized, imposing and foreboding.

Aria's curiosity enticed her to reach out, only to have sinewy branches snake upward from the stump, ensnaring her wrist.

Overwhelmed by the excruciating pain, Aria squeezed her eyes shut, desperately willing herself to escape this torment.

When her eyes fluttered open again, she found solace within the familiar confines of her own bedroom, gasping for breath.

The sound of Allison stirring beside her confirmed that her struggle had not gone unnoticed.

Allison: You okay?... Aria?

Allison's voice quivered with concern.

Managing to regain composure, Aria replied, her voice laden with residual unease,

Aria: Yeah... I was just dreaming. It was a pretty weird dream.

Allison: A nightmare?

Aria nodded silently, momentarily distracted by the realization that Allison was present in her room.

Aria: Wait a second... what are you doing here?

Allison's confusion mirrored Aria's own.

Allison: What are you talking about? You asked me to stay the night.

Aria's mind raced, grappling with the incongruities of her current reality.

Aria: No, I didn't... We're not even back together.

Aria jumped out of the comfort of her bed, only to be met with a disorienting revelation.

The familiar surroundings of her bedroom had given way to the expansive lacrosse field of her school, and standing before her once again was the enigmatic Nemeton.

Aria found herself desperately clinging to the notion that this was all just a figment of her imagination, summoning her inner strength as she screamed for liberation.

Aria: It's just a dream... This is just a dream... Get it out of your head, Aria,

Aria kept muttering urgently, the words hanging heavy in the air.

Aria: You're dreaming, all right? So, wake up, Aria. Wake up, Aria. WAKE UP!!!!

And suddenly, as if a veil had been lifted, Aria's eyes fluttered open to greet the morning light. Alone in her room, she looked at her surroundings trying to see if this was just another dream or reality.

A knock on her bedroom door disrupted her introspection, and her father, Noah, entered with a gentle yet firm reminder.

Noah: Hey, time to get up, kiddo. Get your butt to school, and give your brother a ride am gonna take stiles jeep into the shop at this point his car is more duct tape than metal

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