chapter four

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THE SHARP TIP of a NEEDLE catches the glare of the overhead light.

With a steady hand, Dr. Deaton lowers a SYRINGE to a small TERRIER held still on the table by Scott and aria who was ready to take it's pain.

The dog's owner, a young man named KYLE, watches with noticeable anxiety.

Kyle: It's not going to hurt him, is it?

Deaton: Just a little. But, to be honest, I usually find it's the owners...

Deaton quickly jabs the needle in. The dog barely blinks while Kyle draws a terrified breath.

Deaton: who feel the most pain.

Kyle lets out an embarrassed laugh.

Scott picks the dog up off the table, helping him back to the floor.

Deaton: All right, we'll let you know if we find any parasites in the sample. But my guess is he probably just ate something he shouldn't have.

Gently petting the dog as Kyle leashes him, Scott notices the name tag:BULLET.

Scott: Cool name.

Kyle: He's got two brothers at home named Beretta and Trigger. Military family.

Bullet rolls to his back for aria and Scott, exposing his stomach in a submissive pose.

Kyle: Guess he knows who the Alpha is.

Scott gives a nervous laugh and aria just smiled at scott at how nervous he was. What they both didn't see was how Deaton reacted to Kyle's coincidental choice of words, but with a look more thoughtful than amused.

A look of concern.

Realizing he's still holding the syringe, Deaton turns and drops it into a bin marked HAZARDOUS.


Scott pulls the lid off a container marked BULLET and prepares the sample to dilute it. But then he pauses.

Scott: Hey Doc, I think I found something.

Deaton and aria steps in to look over his shoulder.

Deaton: Rinse it off.

Aria began to rinse it of as, Deaton grabs a tweezer. He uses it to pick up a SMALL, WHITE BERRY from the sample.

Scott: What is it?

Deaton: Definitely poisonous. For the dog, and actually, you as well.

Aria: Wolfsbane?

Deaton: No. Mistletoe.

Aria: mistletoe? Like the Christmas one where people kiss under it.

Deaton: yes

Aria: oh my god seriously how many more reasons do people need to get it through there heads that Christmas is even.



Amid the rush of boys changing into sweats and shorts, Scott, Aria and Stiles whisper at their lockers.

Scott: We looked everywhere. It's like he just walked away. Left the dog and his car.

Stiles: What if he was a virgin? You think he was a virgin?

Aria: Definitely not. Deaton asks us to have sex with all of the customers. It's a new policy, scott sleeps with the men and i sleep with the women.

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