chapter three

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Scott and Aria are in the parking look trying to get help from chris argent to help them hunt down cora and boyd, who have already killed somone and tried to kill two children.

Aria keeps her eyes on the Glock in Argent's hand that is pointed at her since she came to talk to him.

Chris: First of all, why would I care about anyone related to Derek? Second, I don't know this kid Boyd. I don't even know his last name.

Scott: His last name's Boyd.

Chris: What's his first name?

Aria: Vernon, and trust me I know shy the hell would a parent call there kid Vernon and is there a reason you're still pointing the gun at me?

Chris: Probably because some part of me still wants to shoot you.

Aria: i get that and trust you're not the only one that wants me dead.

Argent lowers the gun and places it back into its hiding space in the hatchback.

Chris: I watched my father brainwash my daughter and almost turn her into a killer. That world your world decimated mine. My wife, sister, father. My entire family. Why would I ever step foot in it again?

Scott: Because people are going to die. And because you know how to catch Boyd and Cora without killing them.

Chris: I'm sorry. I can't help you.

all Scott can do is nod. But, as he turns to go, Aria grabs his arm Then makes him glance back to Argent.

Aria: can we ask for a little favor.

Scott looked confused, and had no clue what aria was planning so when Chris agreed scott hoped there was a hidden agenda behind the favor.


Scott shifts nervously in his seat while Argent drives and aria is hoping that her plan is going to work.

Scott: Thanks again. We've been running for hours. I'm kinda' beat and we just need to meet up with Stiles.

Chris: Straight or left?

Aria: It's right around the corner. That parking lot there.

Argent's SUV pulls into the lot a short distance from a collection of POLICE VEHICLES.

Easing up on the gas, Argent reaches for the gear shift to put the SUV in park.

Scott: Just a little further up. A little closer if you can.

Letting the vehicle drift forward, Argent now sees what Aria wants him to see...

The POLICE CRIME SCENE where two devastated PARENTS identify the body of their eighteen year-old son.

When the MEDICAL EXAMINER zips up the body bag, the MOTHER'S legs give out.

The FATHER grabs her, trying to keep her on her feet as she collapses under the weight of grief.

Argent watches the scene, barely breathing.

Aria: Thanks again for the ride.

Aria reaches for the door handle.

Chris: They did this? Boyd and...

Aria: Cora.

Aria clicks the door open, but Argent grabs her shoulder.

Chris: Where's the last place you saw them?



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