☆Haerin random moments☆

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*Slips while doing blessed-cursed choreo on stage.*

Jay: Haerin, are you okay? (Rushes up to her after the performance)

Haerin: Yeah, why wouldn't I be?

Jay: You literally just fell

Haerin: Girl, don't worry cause I'm anti-ti-ti-ti fragile fragile
anti-ti-ti-ti fragile
anti-ti-ti-ti fragile fragile
(Does antifragile choreo)

Jay: Let's get you checked up on
(Drags her too med room)

Heesung: What's something that scared you for life.

Ni-ki: Almost getting kidnapped.

Haerin: You weren't supposed to tell anyone (Gasps)

Heesung: Almost what- (shocked)

Ni-ki: This one's for you. 😉 (Points at Haerin Throws ball and misses) 😐

Haerin: This one's for you. (Points at Ni-ki picks up ball and misses on purpose) 😁

Haerin: Engene's my chocolate cake is missing. (Opens a box of doughnuts) We will find that person, and I will go after them. (Nods her head and takes a bite of a doughnut)

Heesung: (Shakes head at Ni-ki mouthing no)

Ni-ki: Let's say if I know who did it.

Haerin: Tell me. (Snaps head towards him immediately.)

Ni-ki: Heesung hyung-

Heesung: (runs off)

Haerin: (Chases after him)

Ni-ki: Well, at least I got the whole box for myself now. 😁

Haerin: Oh my, oh my gosh

Sunghoon: Shut up

Haerin: No 😊

Oh my, oh my gosh

Sunghoon: If you love New Jean's that much, then why don't you go join their group. 😒

Haerin: Okay, fine then. (Gets up and leaves)

Sunghoon: Bye! (Waves at her)

Now I'm on my own

Jake: I'm here too

Sunghoon: I forgot about you

Jake: 😐


(New Jeans on live)

Minji: And then- Haerin?

Haerin NJ: Yeah? 🤨

Minji: No, the other Haerin (Points at door)

Haerin EN: Hey, Unnie 😁

Minji: What are you doing here?

Haerin EN: Sunghoon told me to join NewJean's

Hanni: Well, there's always more room for another Haerin

Danielle: Sit next to me!

Haerin: (Goes to sit next to Danielle)

Minji: Guys, I think we found our sixth member. Meet Kim Haerin, New Jean's sixth member, and also Kang Haerin's name twin

Jake: Tell us a scary story. (reads a comment) Haerin, do you want to tell one.

Haerin: So when I was 13 in my sisters house, my room was connected to the attic, so there was a literal door on the ceiling of my room. So one day, when I was lying in bed on my phone, I heard something fall and footsteps after it.

Jake: Maybe the thing that dropped started rolling.

Haerin: No, it was literal multiple loud bangs on the floor, but they were footsteps cause I could hear them from above my head to the other end of my room. So, me being an idiot I got my chair and climbed onto it, and opened the flap. Nobody was there, so obviously, I went to bed that night.

Jake: Is that it?

Haerin: No. When I woke up, I sat up ne I saw something hanging from my ceiling. So when I looked up, the attic flap was open, and there was long black hair hanging out of it, and a lady was looking straight at me.

Jake: You're lying. (Shakes head and covers his mouth)

Haerin: I'm not! I screamed and ran to my sisters room. When she checked, the lady wasn't there, and when she went into the attic, everything was in the same place as before like nothing had dropped.

Jake: Creepy. (Shivers)

Haerin: That house was definitely haunted cause I know I wasn't hearing stuff. Maybe the ghost or whatever that thing was up there wanted to be my friend. 🤔 🤷‍♀️

Haerin: Vroom vroom bitch

(Enters the stage in a mini car, princess crown + wand, and fairy wings)

Jay: Oh my gosh (Face palms himself) Go get the child.

Heesung: On it.

(Runs after Haerin in her mini car)

Haerin: (Starts sprinkling glitter on the stage. Stops when Heesung reaches) Would you like some glitter? 😁

Heesung: Glitter?

Haerin: Glitter
(Smirks before proceeding to throw a tiny bit of glitter onto Heesung)

Heesung: Glitter...... (Shakes head while he's covered in glitter)

☆𝔼ℕℍ𝕐ℙ𝔼ℕ 𝔸𝔻𝔻𝔼𝔻 𝕄𝔼𝕄𝔹𝔼ℝ☆Where stories live. Discover now