☆Chapter Nineteen☆

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"Hey, wake up." Ni-ki leaned over Haerin as he used his pointer finger poking her cheek. "Yo, Rinnie, wake up."

"Hey." Haerin smiled fainly at Ni-ki as she barely opened her eyes.

"Happy birthday!" Ni-ki wished her as he threw a bit of confetti onto her bed.

"Thank you." Haerin smiled warmly as she hugged him.

"You need to get ready because we're going to go out today." Ni-ki reminded her.

"Okay." Haerin nodded.

"We meet at the front door in an hour." Ni-ki told her. "Bye." He waved to her as he left the room.

"Bye." She waved back to him as he watched him leave. "Time to pick an outfit." she huffed.

"And that's why I'm here." Sunoo slid into the bedroom. "Now, let's see." Sunoo opened Haerin's part of the wardrobe. "Not this." He threw a white dress out of her wardrobe. "Not this either." He threw a t-shirt out. "Okay, maybe this." He took out a grey and blue varsity jacket and threw it onto Haerin, who was still sitting on her bed. "Then this." He threw a grey pleated skirt onto the bed it barely missing her face. "Then this." He threw a white tank top onto the bed. "Okay, wonderful now, go put these on." Sunoo ushered her out of her bedroom with the pile of clothes and into the bathroom. "Perfect." Sunoo clapped as he saw Haerin walk out after twenty minutes. "Do you have any black hair spray?"

"Why would you need that?" Haerin questioned him as she sat on her bed, placing her hands on her knees.

"To make you less noticable." Sunoo told her. "You've got red stripes in your hair." Sunoo stated.

"Well, unfortunately, I don't." Haerin shook her head.

"Well, either way, we'll still make you look nice." Sunoo shrugged. "Come sit down." He pulled out the desk chair and gestured for her to sir.

"I'm surprised they haven't woken up yet." Haerin commented as she glanced over to Jay and Jake, who slept peacefully.

"Yeah, I gave them sleeping pills." Sunoo joked with a snicker.

"You gave them what -" Haerin snapped her head around to face the smiling boy.

"Just kidding." He patted her shoulder with a laugh.

"To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if you did." She scoffed.

"Oh really." Sunoo rolled his eyes. "Well, we're done." He told her as he added the last boby pin into her hair.

"Thank you, Sunoo." Haerin got up from the chair and hugged him tightly.

"Mhm, now go have fun." Sunoo patted her back as he let go of her as Haerin gathered her things together put on her shoes and was about to leave the room he glanced over at the desk and saw a necklace with a bedazzled star and set of earrings. "Wait!" He shouted after her.

"Yeah, what is it?" Haerin questioned as she turned around briefly as she almost reached the doorway.

"The last finishing touches." He told her as he walked up to her. "Put these on." He handed her a pair of silver earrings which she put in. "Lastly." Sunoo placed the necklace around her neck. "Okay, now go." He shoved her out of the room.

☆𝔼ℕℍ𝕐ℙ𝔼ℕ 𝔸𝔻𝔻𝔼𝔻 𝕄𝔼𝕄𝔹𝔼ℝ☆Where stories live. Discover now