☆Chapter Twenty Seven☆

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"Much better." Jay smiled at Haerin and Ni-ki now satisfied that their hair was dyed black. "This should do till we get proper help."

"Wow." Haerin gasped. "All our hard work."

"Who asked you to dye your hair?" Jay scoffed as he folded his arms.

"Well, it's not our fault we were bored." Ni-ki shrugged.

"You said this is washable, right?" Haerin questioned as she brought her up to the faucet and started to lift the handle

"Don't you  dare think about it." Jay warned her as he lifted his pointer her finger. "You two could have started dating rumors if you posted any pictures, and that would put you both in serious trouble." He told them.

"I mean, it's not our fault that random people thought we were cool posted pictures of us in Pinterest. " Ni-ki smiled.

"It's a matter of time before people recognise you two." Sunghoon commented as he walked into the open door frame.

"But there's a possibility that they might not." Haerin added. "Anyways, goodnight." She said before she walked out the bathroom.

"Yeah, good night." Ni-ki said before he followed Haerin into the kitchen.

"I guess we don't get to share a room anymore." Ni-ki sighed as he would miss their long conversations till one of them would fall asleep.

"Yeah, I guess so." Haerin sighed. "But are we going to tell anyone?" She asked.

"I mean, we can tell Sunoo, but I don't know about the rest." Ni-ki said.

"Tell me what?" Sunoo questioned as he walked into the kitchen with a few snacks he bought while he was away.

"Why do people keep walking in mid conversation." Haerin sighed as she placed her hand on her forehead.

Sunoo placed the snacks he had in his hands onto the countertop and put his arms around the two. "Let me guess you're dating."

"Close." Ni-ki said.

"Oh, I know! When he finally asks you, you both are going to be such a cute couple." Sunoo clapped his hands together, removing them from the pairs shoulders. "Let me guess you dyed your hair so people wouldn't recognise you on your little dates."

"I mean, that wasn't the reason, but sure." Haerin shrugged.

"Well, you two off to bed now." Sunoo kicked them out of the kitchen.

"Well, that was easier than I thought." Ni-ki admitted as he stood outside the kitchen door with Haerin by his side.

"Yeah, a bit too easy." Haerin agreed with him.

"Goodnight Rinnie." He wished her.

"Goodnight Riki." Haerin said back to him before they parted ways and went to their separate rooms.

Jay wasn't in the room when Haerin entered, but she remembered seeing a glimpse of him laying on the couch once she exited the kitchen. But she was met with Jake, who was also seated with Heesung on his bed. "Haerin." Jake smiled as he sat with one leg over the other, and his hands rested on his knees.

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