☆Chapter Fifty Two☆

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Sunoo was the third person out of all the members to hear about Haerin's solo debut he was almost jumping off the walls. Sunoo begged Haerin to take him with her to her schedule.

Yuwon started to question all her  decisions as she had to listen unwillingly to the three teens gossiping in the backseat of her car.

They arrived at the hair appointment on time, and they had the building to themselves because it was quite early. If it wasn't for Sunoo being curious and bombarding Haerin with questions, she would have fallen asleep.

"And we're done." The hairstylist said after she finished cutting Haerins hair and fluffed it out.

"Thank you, it's perfect." Haerin smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"No problem." The stylist said as she removed the little cape around Haerin and went to go put it away.

The two boys stood at either side of her. "You look really nice with red hair." Ni-ki complimented her. "It suits you."

"I agree." Sunoo said, nodding profusely. "Now you're making me want to dye my hair that colour."

"I know you guys want to talk more about the new hair colour." Yuwon butted in. "But we've got another place to be by one, so can we please hurry up."

They left the hair salon and hopped into the car. This time, Yuwon had to listen to not so amazing karaoke. But her pain soon ended as they arrived at the studio quickly.

The second Haerin walked into the studio, the stylist immediately went up to her and rushed her into Hair and makeup.

"You two can sit over there." Yuwon pointed to a couple of chairs at the back of the studio before she went into the styling room.

The two boys sat where Yuwon told them, and they sat in silence. It was almost as if they were waiting for a doctors appointment.

Yuwon came out of the room, Haerin followed close behind. Haerin had in her newly dyed hair in a side parting, which was slicked back into a in a high ponytail with a white ribbon tied around the ponytail. A pair of black bow earrings with a pearl dangling from it decorated her ears.

She had a black pleated skirt on with a black cropped tank top with white sailor collars, which also had a bow. She had a pair of black chunky boots with heels making her taller. Haerin also had black velvet gloves to finish off the look.

"Ay stop staring at her. You're burning holes into her face by the minute." Sunoo laughed as he slapped the back of Ni-ki's neck.

"Oh, shut up. I'm not staring." Ni-ki scowled as he rubbed the back of his neck, which stung from the slap.

"Yeah, sure, keep lying." Sunoo rolled his eyes and folded his arms, not buying what he said as he caught him with his own two eyes. And trust! Sunoo's eyes never lie.

Haerin looked around for the boys but failed to find them as they were sitting in a corner at the back. Haerin walked onto the set. The moment she stood in front of the white background, she spotted them in the corner of her eye.

Haerin stood on her tippy toes, waving profusely. Sunoo noticed and waved back at her, and so did Ni-ki once he realised what was going on.

"Okay, we can start now." The director of the creative team said.

"Hey, let's move over to that monitor." Ni-ki pointed out after he heard the director say what he said.

"Bro, you just want to stare at her all day." He joked. "But sure." Sunoo agreed as he stood up.

"Well, I can't deny." Ni-ki shrugged as he dragged his chair to the monitor. "Who wouldn't want to stare at her all day."

Sunoo sighed as he sat on his chair, shaking his head. He leaned back into his chair and folded his arms.

On the other hand, Ni-ki was leaning forward elbows on his knees, hands holding up his face staring at her like a lovesick fanboy.

Yuwon came up from behind, as she also wanted to watch from the monitor as well. Yuwon took one glance down and noticed Ni-ki.

Yuwon looked at Sunoo. Sunoo was already looking at her. Yuwon asked Sunoo without making any noise attempting to not catch the other boys attention. Sunoo silently laughed and shrugged before turning back to face the monitor.

"Okay, next outfit!" The creative director shouted.


"I hope you wasn't too bored today." Haerin said, walking up to the boys after the photo shoot.

"Don't worry, we weren't." Ni-ki responded.

"That's because you were too busy staring at her." Sunoo mumbled under his breath.

"What was that Sunoo hyung?" Ni-ki asked as he turned back to face Sunoo with an annoyed smile.

"Oh, nothing." Sunoo denied. "You did well today." He told her.

"Thank you." Haerin said with a smile. "I guess we're going home now." Haerin turned back to Yuwon, who was standing right behind her.

"Yeah." Yuwon nodded. "But let's get going there's going to be a lot of traffic on the road."

☆𝔼ℕℍ𝕐ℙ𝔼ℕ 𝔸𝔻𝔻𝔼𝔻 𝕄𝔼𝕄𝔹𝔼ℝ☆Where stories live. Discover now