Chapter 1

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She smiled at the little girl that had been acumatized, now hugging her family safe and sound.

"Hm? Oh yeah, pound it?"

She held her fist out for him, and he smiled, fist-bumping her.

"Pound it. Plan on sticking around Bugaboo? Times a ticking you know."

She heard her miraculous beep, and she blushed as she shook her head.

"Sorry Kitty, no reveals today. Bug out."

She gave him a small salute as she threw her yo-yo, swinging onto a nearby building. She had to get home soon anyway. She was actually in a great mood today. The acuma attacks had been far apart, her homework was all caught up, and her sleep schedule had improved. Well, changed. She was now back to five hours a night, which was wildly better than the three she had been getting. She skidded to a stop on a rooftop. Across the street, on a billboard there was a new Adrien Agreste ad. She sighed, her gaze roaming over the pressed suit he wore. It was another new ad for prom. Prom, one of the most romantic nights for a teen in Paris. She thought about dancing with him, her arms wrapping around herself as she spun. He would look into her eyes and tell her everything she had been dying to hear.

"I love you Marinette. I want to be with you. Let's get married."

An orchestra would begin playing, just as he leaned in. Their lips would barely graze one another, before they both pushed forward, desperate to delete the space between them. As they met the song would reach its crescendo, drowning out any other sounds. She could hear it all so clearly. All down to the triangle instrument. It would be the beginning of the beginning for her. She giggled to herself, focusing back on what she was doing. She needed to get home and start working on her dress. She wrapped her yo-yo around one of the poles of the billboard, running as fast as she could on the rooftop. She lifted her feet, intending to slip over the edge. Just before she reached it, she started to de-transform. All she could do was suck in a gasp, before she plummeted over the edge of the building. Her transformation was gone, her yo-yo had dissolved in her fingertips. She was going to die. All because she had stopped to fantasize about Adrien.


That triangle she had heard in the orchestra? It had been her miraculous beeping, trying to give her a warning. Screams echoed off the buildings, and for a moment she thought they were hers. But no, she couldn't get any air to scream. She suddenly hit someone, and she recognized the dark blur as her partner, Chat Noir. He had tried to catch her. Tried, and failed. She slipped out of his arm, and at just the last second, she thrust her arm out, grabbing ahold of his tail. She was yanked to a stop, almost losing her grip. She could hear screaming down below, but she didn't dare look.


She looked up at him, her breath coming in short gasps. She had almost died, and he had saved her again.

"I know you're scared, but I need you to climb up okay? Just enough that I can grab you."

She nodded, and he extended his hand, trying to reach out to her. He was hanging onto his baton with his other hand, his face unusually pale. He must have been scared too. She held her breath, reaching out to grab onto his boot. The movement made her body push away from the tail, and she immediately released the boot, clinging onto his tail.

"I...I can't." She breathed out, tears forming in her eyes.

She hated how scared she was. She dealt with heights like this all the time as Ladybug. Why was she so scared?

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