Chapter 12

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He shifted in front of the mirror, staring at the fifth suit he had tried on. Well, tried on again. He couldn't seem to choose between the three, unreasonably nervous. He had been to thousands of these events. He always had a tiny bit of nerves before, but never like this. He felt panicked. Uncomfortable. Unusually sweaty.

"You're going to be late."

"I'm going to be on a stretcher, getting carted away for having a heart attack."

Plagg huffed in response, settling on Adrien's shoulder.

"Just go with this one. It's nice enough."

"I don't want nice enough. I want..."

What did he want? Never in his life had he ever stressed so much about what he was going to wear. Normally, he didn't care so much. Just do whats asked, and be done with it. But this time...

"You want to be dashing. Handsome. A bundle of sultry sweat stains."

Adrien lifted his arm up, relieved to see that his kwami had just been making a horrible, horrible joke.

"Can we just go? I'm ready to hit the buffet."

"Fine." He huffed, running his hands through his hair again.

Tonight was the night. He needed to figure this out. Because he was in love with her. And she deserved to be safe. Maybe if he figured out what had her drawn to Chat at the moment, he could incorporate it tonight, and get her to fall for him again. He wished things hadn't gotten so screwed up. He groaned at the thought, grabbing his suit jacket and throwing it on as he jogged downstairs, Plagg safely tucked into his pocket. He still had to run by the bakery, as she had opted to get ready there instead of his house.

"You're late."

"I know. And I've still got to pick up Marinette." He mumbled, passing Natalie as she handed him his ticket.

Not that he needed one. He always got in at Chloe's parties, whether he wanted to or not. The drive to the bakery was too fast, he had zero time to think. He practically jumped out of the limo before it had stopped, his nerves forcing him to take action. She was standing on the curb, and if she hadn't have said something, he probably would have walked right past her into the bakery.

"I'll see you there." She spoke into her phone, her gaze darting to his for a moment before she looked away.

She wore a soft cream colored gown, with what seemed to be sparkling gemstone lotus flowers sown in. She looked amazing. He swallowed hard as she ended the call, her gaze slowly sweeping from his feet to his chest, never moving farther.

She seemed nervous? Maybe even a little disappointed? Had she expected someone else? Had he picked the wrong suit?

"I never thought I'd see the day that Adrien Agreste was late." She murmered, and he flinched.

What if she had been on the phone with someone, because she thought he wasn't coming?

That's a great way to get her to start liking you again Agreste. Nice going.

"I'm sorry. I got... held up. You look amazing." He admitted, and a faint smile touched her lips.

He cursed himself silently for his indecision earlier, checking the watch on his wrist. Twenty minutes late. Had she been standing out here the whole time?

"So too. So do-to." She groaned, before closing her eyes. "So do you."

He smiled softly, a small amount of relief rushing through him. It was still Marinette. She didn't hate him, and though she was much easier to understand without the stutters, the way she had spoken before, completely clear and without a single fault, had made his lungs tighten painfully. As if it had been wrong. Stuttering had to mean she still harbored some feelings for him, right?

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