Chapter 15

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She curled up on the bed, looking over at the clock. It was six am, on a Saturday. She wanted to lay in bed forever. Sleep until she was dead. Sleep hadn't come easy again last night. She still couldn't believe Adrien and Chat. Talking about her behind her back, spilling her secrets. It was cruel. A knock sounded at the door, and she glanced at it, before pulling the blanket over her head. Maybe for now she had to stay here, in Adrien's own prison. But she didn't have to be social. She could stay cooped up in this room.

"Marinette are you decent?" Adrien asked, and she curled deeper under the blankets.

Yes, she was, but that didn't matter. She didn't want to talk to him. He was a traitor.

"I'm coming in."

She heard the door open, and she tensed, debating pretending to be asleep.


Adrien was closer to the bed, and her heart fluttered at the thought of him crawling into bed with her. How she hated that.

"I know you don't want to talk to me. I get it. But my father wants to speak to you."

"Does he know about last night?"

"I don't think I'd still be breathing if he did."

* * * * *

She stood stiffly in front of his desk, waiting patiently for him to look up from his computer. He had been the one to summon her, and was still making her wait. Classy. He finally looked up, and she wiped the annoyed look off of her face.

"You're here because of your relationship with Chat Noir, correct?"


He nodded, glancing back at the screen before looking back to her. It seemed as if he had completely forgotten about the argument last night.

"I understand it must be hard having to spend time apart, with the threat of hawkmoth-"

"I'm not scared of hawkmoth."

She was sick and tired of people acting like she was. She didn't fear him. She hated him. Gabriel cracked a small smile, and she raised an eyebrow. How was that funny?

"Okay. As I was saying, before you so rudely interrupted, is that I understand it may be hard for you being away from him."

"I appreciate your concern, but it's not."

Not anymore. Not when he stabbed her in the back.

Gabriel clenched his jaw, and she did her best to remain silent.

"If you want to see him, he's welcome here, safe from hawkmoth and prying eyes."

She was caught off guard by that. Gabriel would allow her to have him come over after what she had already done? Not that she would. Chat didn't deserve to see her.

"Well... thank you for the offer. But I don't want to see him."

"I do."

Why the hell would Gabriel want to see him?


"The why is unimportant. Can you contact him?"

She started to tell him that she couldn't, when Adrien, who had been silent the entire time, spoke up.

"I can."

They both turned to him, his father in shock and her in rage.

"I have his number. I can have him meet you."

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