Chapter 21 Final

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Two weeks had passed. Gabriel and Natalie were both still missing, but she was now in possession of their miraculous, so it wasn't as if they could do much. Alya had taken over as Ladybug, but without Hawkmoth, her job mainly concerned charity events, fundraisers, and normal street crime. She still came by so she could see Tiki of course. Adrien had kept the cat miraculous, which she was grateful for. She knew he needed someone to lean on. She hadn't spoken to him since that day on his rooftop, he had asked them all for space, and they had all understood. The silence from him was killing her though. She didn't know if he blamed her for his father, for everything after finding out who she was. She would understand if he did. Though it seemed she was the only one.

"It's been two weeks." Alya grumbled, staring up at the ceiling.

Marinette sighed, laying her head down on the desk.

"I know."

"You need to go talk to him."

"He wants space."

"And you've given him plenty." Alya snapped, sitting up quickly.

"She's right. I respect his boundaries and all, but he doesn't need to be alone like this. He's lost everyone. If we aren't careful he'll push us away."

Nino shot a pointed look at Marinette from the chaise, and she sighed.

"He probably doesn't want to see me."

"That's bullshit Marinette, you know that."

"What's the harm in going to check on him? You could bring him some baked goods, and if he acts like he didn't want to see you, then just tell him you were dropping them off and you'll see him later. Simple." Nino encouraged her, and she sat up, poking at a letter on her keyboard.

"I could bring him his favorite macaroons... er... no that's a horrible idea."

Tiki flew into her view then, offering a gentle smile.

"Marinette now is the perfect time to do it. Hawkmoth is gone. You both know the other's identity. Nino is right. This is the best way to find out if he's ready to see you."

She sighed, spinning her desk chair. She wanted to wait until he was ready. Until he came to her. But what if he didn't? What if he had decided he couldn't be with her anymore? That her sins were just too great? If he had, then he should tell her. What if he did, and she was stuck waiting around forever for him to call? She deserved to know if that was the case.



Alya jumped up from the floor, racing to the closet. She pulled out a pink sundress, one Marinette hadn't had a chance to wear yet.

"Wear this one."

* * * * *

Her steps were stiff and uncomfortable, one hand holding an umbrella, the other balancing the box of sweets under her arm. It was lightly raining, thankfully it wasn't pouring. The air still slapped the rain onto her skin, making her shiver. She should have at least grabbed a coat. Her mind and heart were both racing.

What if he swept her into his arms with a long awaited kiss, before asking for her hand in marriage? What if he asked her to stay with him?

Her face warmed at the thought of sharing kisses in front of a fireplace as rain pounded against the window. But what if their reunion wasn't anything like that?

What if he became enraged that she had ignored his wishes and come anyway? What if he threw her back out onto the street, calling her a monster for trying to murder his dad?

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