Chapter 18

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He sat at the kitchen island, staring at the unopened bottle of scotch before him. He was so tired of everything. He just wanted to be normal. For his father to be home, and not some psychopath. He'd even take Natalie bugging him about what time it was over the silence in the mansion. Marinette had shot him down, hard. For someone who claimed to like Chat Noir so much, she suddenly changed her mind about being with him after catching hawkmoth. He leaned forward, checking his phone as he laid his head against the countertop. Nino had tried calling probably a hundred times now, as had most in their class. He also had missed calls from several different news stations. Not that it was any of their damn business. Life as he knew it was over. People wouldn't appraise him anymore, which he would be fine with, if the looks on their faces didn't change from happiness at seeing him to disgust and discontent. As if he was to blame for his father's actions. As if he knew. He heard the door to the kitchen open, and didn't bother looking up. He knew it was her. She had ignored his earlier attempt to talk, likely blaming him as well. He had thought it would be different as Chat, and it was. Just not in the way he had hoped. He heard her slide the bottle closer to her, and faintly heard the seal crack.

"I'm sorry about Gabriel." She spoke softly, and he looked up at her.

She still had red rimmed eyes, dried blood stuck to her hair, and still was only wearing her hoodie. She looked about as fed up with life as he was.

"Me too." He mumbled, watching her chug a few sips before she set it back down, placing the back of her hand to her mouth.

"You must be worried about him."

Her tone was still that of a whisper, and he wondered why that was.

"I guess that's pretty stupid of me. To be worried about hawkmoth's wellbeing."

"He's still your father."

He looked up into her eyes, trying to see if she meant what she said. She was right. He was still his father. Even if he was hawkmoth. He was still allowed to care, and to be worried.

"I didn't think anyone else would see it that way. When I walked home from the hospital, those I passed looked at me in disgust. A few even crossed the street to avoid me."

"No one should blame you for what he did. If anyone should be blamed, it's ladybug. She started-"

"When are you leaving?"

It came out harsher than he had meant for it to, but he couldn't stand this. He loved her. But ladybug was still his partner and still his friend, even after everything she had done. Marinette didn't know her like he did. Anyone would break under the pressure she had endured for years.


She sounded upset, and he looked away, fixing his gaze on the door instead of her. He shouldn't be worried about her feelings, when she hadn't worried about his. But of course, he was anyway.

"With Gabriel locked up it's safe for you to go back home. I figured you missed your parents."

"Oh... are you sure you'd be okay alone?"

He wasn't okay either way. But if she was just going to talk shit about Ladybug he definitely didn't think that would improve his mood any.

"I'll be fine."

She hesitated before responding as she heading towards the door.

"I... I'll go home tonight then."

His eyes watered at her words, but he didn't look at her. He had practically told her to get out, but he didn't want her to go. He didn't want to be left alone to ponder his father's sins. He didn't want to be left alone with the guilt. He heard her leave, and he exhaled loudly, releasing the breath he had been holding. How had things gone from bad to worse so quickly?

Falling From Grace ~ A Miraculous Ladybug ficΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα