Chapter 9

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"Someone turned off your light."

She froze, staring at the skylight as well. He was right. She hadn't turned it off. Maybe it was just her parents? Which was almost worse than hawkmoth.

"Come on. I'll drop you off on another roof and I'll check your room."

He held his hand out to her, and she shook her head. She couldn't leave, not unless she had Tiki.

"Mari we-"

"Well well well. Look what the cat dragged in."

A figured popped up behind them, standing on the railing. Lady wifi stood there, scowling down at the both of them.

"Alya?" Marinette asked as Chat pushed her behind him, towards the skylight.

Good, she needed Tiki.

"It's lady wifi to you. And you Marinette, are a liar. As a journalist, I expose liars."

"I didn't lie about anything!"

"You told me that you and Chat Noir were just friends." She spat, and Marinette whirled around, reaching for the skylight.

She just needed to get Tiki, before Chat got it in his head to try to rescue her. A sudden lock icon popped up on it, and she froze. That was it. She couldn't get into her room to get her kwami. They were so screwed.

"Friends don't kiss each other. And they don't go out on dates Marinette. I'm sick and tired of your lies. You lied about Adrien not being your soulmate."

She should have explained everything to Alya. She should have told her the truth about Chat Noir.

"Alya please. I'm sorry. Adrien and I don't belong together! And Chat and I were not on a date!"

Lady Wifi clenched her fist, turning her phone to face them. They were laying next to each other on a rooftop, on a picnic blanket, eating strawberries.

"Okay, maybe that looks bad, but I just really like strawberries." Chat awkwardly chuckled, and Marinette honestly thought about shoving him over the railing.

He obviously didn't know what to say to a villan.

"You. Have you no loyalty? For years you've been going on and on about how much you loved Ladybug and all of Paris believed you! You're as much of a liar as Marinette!"

She suddenly turned on Chat, and Marinette turned back to the skylight. How was she expected to get Tiki? How was she supposed to transform here? A blur of red answered her prayers as her kwami phased through the floor, quickly hiding in her shirt.

"For someone who's powers are based solely on staying connected, you seem to have been living under a rock. Ladybug doesn't love me, she barely likes me."

Marinette flinched, glancing back at him. Of course she liked him. She had just been so focused on Adrien...

"So you gave up? Do you have any idea the uproar you've caused? LadyNoir is dying, because of you! Because of both of you!"

"Get me out of here Chat." Marinette hissed in his ear, and he turned his head to look at her out of the corner of his eye.

"I'm working on figuring that out." He hissed back, and Lady Wifi pointed her phone in his direction.

"Unfortunately for you tomcat, I'm going to have to disconnect you from this call. Marinette and I need to have a talk."

She started to swipe on the screen, and Marinette panicked, yanking Chat backwards. They both fell to the floor as a pause button flew over their heads. He extended his baton, slamming it into Alya's stomach, sending her flying off of the railing. They both scrambled to get up, and he grabbed her, taking off across the rooftops.

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