Chapter 16

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He couldn't believe she had done this. She had called out Hawkmoth, and had offered up their lives, without even talking to him. He slammed his baton into Mayura, who seemed weak. He didn't understand why Hawkmoth would have brought her along in this state. They had been fighting for what felt like forever, even his arms had grown tired, but Mayura looked ready to pass out at any moment. He hadn't checked on Ladybug in a while, it seemed as if she had wanted to do this on her own.

Hell, she had all but insisted.

He was certain if he hadn't showed up, she would have faced the two alone without hesitation. He ducked another row of metal feathers, batting one back to her lazily. He wanted to take a break. The lack of sleep, the stress. Everything was wearing him down and this fight just seemed to drag on for miles. The feather he had shot back struck her in the stomach, and they both froze, staring at one another. He hadn't meant to hit her. Sure, he wanted to win. But not by murdering someone, even if it was a villan.

"Are... are you okay?"

She dropped to her knees at his question, her hand shakily touching the wound that now gushed blood. He was going to be sick.

"Oh God. I'm so sorry."

She didn't even look at him, her gaze focused on the other two still locked in battle. He knelt in front of her as she collapsed onto her side, tears forming in her eyes.

"It'll be okay. She'll fix it with her lucky charm." He insisted, pressing his hand tightly against her wound around the blade.

She cried out, shaking her head.

"It hurts."

"I'm sorry."

He didn't know what to say other than that. She was going to die here if Ladybug didn't hurry up. Mayura's sobs quieted, and she looked even more tired than before.

"Hey... um... stay with me. We'll get you fixed up in no time."

He glanced from her to Ladybug, his heart pounding. He was going to be the reason someone died.

"Ladybug! I need your lucky charm!"

She completely ignored him, consumed completely by her own battle, and he glanced at the crowd of citizens. He could see an ambulance on standby. If Ladybug wouldn't help her, a paramedic was her best bet. He scooped her up and she cried out, clinging onto his suit.

"I'm sorry. I'm going to get you help."

He was probably hurting her even more by moving her like this, but he didn't have a choice. Ladybug didn't even seem to care anymore. He ran as carefully as he could, making it to the crowd just as her miraculous wore off. He would have shielded her from the cameras, if he hadn't been so shocked.

"Natalie?" He breathed, his gaze darting from her face, to Mayura's kwami, to the blood soaked shirt.

It couldn't be her. Why would she help him? Natalie was a good person.

Her tears and blood were reflected by the flash of cameras, and he looked away from her, trying to focus. He had to ignore who she was right now. He raced to the ambulance then, tears clouding his vision as he climbed into the back with her, laying her down on the gurney as the paramedic rushed to adress her wound.

"Natalie? Why? Why would you do this? I don't understand."

"I love him." She whispered sleepily, and he shook his head.

Who? Who else could she love other than- no. No, it couldn't be him. It couldn't be Gabriel, the universe couldn't be that cruel.

"Ive got to get her to the hospital. Are you going or staying?"

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