XIII. worth it

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Iris 🦩@Irisidei've been trapped in the car with tommy for an hour he won't stop playing khai dreams like i love me some ultimately as much as the next person but cmon man12:05 PM • 13 June 21 • twitter for iphone2

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Iris 🦩
i've been trapped in the car with tommy for an hour he won't stop playing khai dreams like i love me some ultimately as much as the next person but cmon man
12:05 PM • 13 June 21 • twitter for iphone
2.7K retweets 17.26 quote Tweets 374K likes

they were finally free.

no more assignments, no more homework, no more exams. lower sixth form was out for the summer, and tommy and iris prepared to take full advantage of it. tubbo had invited them both to stay at his place and iris decided to take full advantage of her new license by getting tommy to drive.

they had been on the road for about an hour and a half, and tommy had just pulled into a rest area so they could swap. he didn't mind driving, it gave him an excuse to not concentrate on the girl next to him. she ran off to the bathroom and tommy stepped into the small corner shop to get some snacks.

he grabbed some stuff for himself and then wandered down the aisle picking snacks that he knew iris would like. he sat back in the passenger seat after paying for them, and when iris came back he pointed to them. "i got you food, don't worry, i checked. all vegan,"

iris smiled appreciatively at him. "thanks toms," she was still a little nervous about driving, but he put his hand on top of hers on the middle console. "if we die i'm sorry,"

"we won't," he assured her. "i won't let you die while listening to khai dreams, i know that'd be an issue for you."

"especially cause now i get to pick," iris said gleefully.  "drivers rules."

"it's my car," tommy whined.

"walk," iris shrugged and tommy huffed, slouching in his seat as he grumbled. "we can listen to at least three taylor swift albums before we get there."

she knew tommy wasn't big on listening to taylor, especially not for hours on end, and she wasn't that mean. instead she put on a playlist that they'd both made, and they set off again.

iris was very concentrated on the road, still being a little nervous, and tommy was grateful as he couldn't stop his eyes from landing on her every few minutes.

he was trying to distract himself by scrolling through twitter, but he was helped out by phil replying to his message.

father (clickbait)
yesterday at 9:17 pm

hey phil
how do you know if you like

today at 1:34 pm

I could give you a whole message
about getting butterflies or thinking
about her a lot, or wanting to be
around her all the time. Or I could
point out that if you care so much
to ask me about it, then you
probably care about her a lot.

how do you know it's a her hmm

Then that's a whole different
conversation we can have.

god please no
it's a girl

That's what I thought.
Now, I've never met Iris, so I can't
give you much of an idea on what
your guys's dynamic is like. What I
can say, is that she must be something
to have put up with you for the last
ten years.

that obvious, huh?

You're not slick, mate.

she's my best friend phil
i don't want to ruin that

I know, Tom. You can either do nothing
and let it pass. Or you can do something
and risk losing her friendship.

i know i know
those are both shit options fyi
why can't i just do nothing and. have
everything work out?

Because Iris is worth the effort.

"these are really good," iris spared a glance over to tommy on her left. she'd been absent mindedly eating one of the packets of snacks he'd bought her. "what are they?"

"uh, gushers," tommy moved the packet to read it. "i think they're american."

"ew," iris giggled. "get them out."

tommy softened at the way she laughed. it was warm and deep, and his fingers twitched towards her free hand. "you're my best friend," he said quietly.

iris didn't take her eyes off the road. "thanks for the update."

he let out a surprised laugh. "wh- wow. never mind, tubbo's my best friend. ranboo can have you."

"works for me," iris shrugged. tommy huffed again. "ranboo's less annoying than you."

he fell silent, jokingly sad. but iris, with her concentration mostly on the road, couldn't tell if he was serious. "you're my best friend too, tommy." and without even looking, she took his hand into her free one and squeezed it gently. for the next hour until they stopped again, she only took her hand away when she needed it.

tommy had to text phil back one handed, but he didn't mind. yes she is, he replied.

the genloss finale came out 6 days ago and i haven't stopped thinking about it since it was so good

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