Issue 3 - Most Wanted

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"State your name, profession and intention for the records."

"Y/N Parker... Umm, unemployed and Bed-bound?"

The Police Officer, looking like he was done with work, gave me a dry stare, ready to take my mugshot. "Alrighty then. Look here... Look to your left... And you're right."

Walking up to the window, I pressed my face against the glass, shouting. "Am I in trouble? I'm in trouble, aren't I? For the record, It wasn't my fault for destroying your metal prison. I was blasted from another dimension; I could have died!"

"Uh-huh. Amazing... Do you have any family we can contact?"

"F-Family? Umm, probably best not to." I respond, clearing my throat. "You can probably just let me go. Is that alright? Yeah... No, I didn't think so."

Holding my bag, the Police Officer pulled out my Life support machine, sighing. "What's this?"

"My life support machine. Well, I call it that; I think Doctor Connors had a more scientific name for it. I didn't listen. It broke when I was fighting Electro; it's a long story. Don't worry; I won't die without it... It defeats the point of calling it a Life Support machine, huh? I'm rambling again, aren't I... Oh! That's my web shooters. I don't need them, but they help me go the extra mile, and they came free with a happy meal."

The Officer began rubbing his face, writing this down. "Alright, listen, kid, we'll keep you in overnight to ensure you're ok. Then we'll call your parents in the morning. Parker, you said? Next, you'll tell me you're related to the former Spider-Man Peter Parker."

"Never heard of that man in my life."

"Good, if that's everything."

"Wait, aha. I get a phone call. I'd like my phone call, please." I beg, pacing back and forth. "Pretty please?"

"Who ya wanna call?"

"Oh, that's easy. I'll call... I'll call? Crap." I whisper to myself. I don't want to face Uncle Ben right now, even if it's one from another dimension. So, who can I call then? "I don't know..."

"Shame, real shame. Come on then."

The door opened, and I began shouting the first name that came to mind. "Miles Morales! Miles Morales, I want to call Miles Morales!"

"Morales? The chief's son? How the hell are you?" The Officer stood up, turning away. "Hang on."

Slumping back in my chair, I began playing with my webbing, making a dog mess around with it. I leaned back, looking up at the ceiling, when the thought came to mind. 

I should break out.

"No. No. Spider-Man doesn't break out of prison... Spider-Man doesn't go to prison. Huh? I've done nothing wrong, so they have no reason to make me stay... Breaking out could be a moral thing to do."

Stuck in my train of thought, I jumped as another Police Officer stormed in, staring me down. However, after a while, I smiled, recognising him straight away. "Jefferson! I forgot you were a cop."

"He knows my name. Great." Jefferson mutters, looking over my belongings and the file written up. "How do you know my son? Do you go to the same school as him?"

"Y-Yes. As a matter of fact, I do."

"What's the school's name?"

"The school's name? Oh, Jefferson, you old dog. Always playing games... It's, well, it's." Lowering my head, I sighed, tapping the wall. "Look, I need you to follow me here. I come from another dimension, one where everyone is Spider-Man. I met this girl; her name is Cindy Moon, she's also a Spider-Person from another, another dimension on the run from an evil group of Spider-People... I was pulled from my dimension and thrown here with no way home. I need you to let me go so I can find my friends before my Uncle Ben grounds me for life."

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