Issue 14 - Full Metal Genesis

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Author's note - So, how do I even start this one? Well, I just want to be the one to say I don't usually do these; I like to keep my stories very immersive and separated from the author. It's my pet peeve to have chapters halted with a pointless author's note about what they had for dinner and thanking the readers for 1k reads. Or stupid FOMO with polls on who should be the best girl. But considering the circumstances of how long this chapter took to come out, I think it's only fair to address this personally.

This book was updated on August 10, 2023. That's nearly seven months ago, the longest any of my books has gone on hiatus; I never gave a reason and promised multiple times to upload a new chapter, only to fall through. While I've been busy, my Pokemon story and Hero Chasers story took over my priorities, and I shifted focus to stories I enjoyed writing much more.

I lost interest and got burned out on this story, writing it too soon after the MHA Spider-Man story. That was my mistake, and in all reality, I should have left it some time to breathe. I wanted to bank off the hype of the Spider-Verse movies. The last Spider-Verse story I did got over 200k reads, and I thought I got to get that much again.

I've been dabbling on what to do with this remake. Cancellation had popped up a few times, but I refused that. So, I will focus on this book for the foreseeable future. It's full steam ahead for this adventure, and I'm not stopping. I humbly apologise for the hiatus and thank those who stuck around and waited for the anticipated chapter.

I don't want to keep you longer, so please enjoy Issue 14, Full Metal Genesis.


"Orders up!"

A fresh burger and fries were pushed around a conveyor belt as Y/N twirled his hand, lifting the plate and floating it before him. Taking in the smell, he smiled, ready to dive in. That was until he stopped inches from taking the first bite, groaning. "I know you're there, Lyla."

Lyla appeared on the table, walking around before standing on his burger with a smug look. "Y/N."

"Crimson-Spider, who's just trying to enjoy a good hardy meal." He echoed, dropping the sandwich and licking his lips. "But I suppose I haven't earned that, right? I've been your little errand boy, bringing in a couple of dozen anomalies. Is that ever good enough? No."

"Something tells me you're angry with us?"

Y/N pushed his meal aside, grumbling. "I've lost my appetite."

"You already know why you're here, Y/N. Miguel made it quite clear, for the record, you agreed with him."

This got a chuckle from Y/N as he stuck his feet up. "Agree is a strong word. Listen, sweetheart. People in high places looking down on others and barking orders don't exactly gel with me. Ask old Kingpin himself. It's not me I'm pissed about."

Lyla crossed her arms, eyes closed, humming. "Ahh, so you mean your replacement."

"Funny." He replied, sipping his drink. "Miguel should take quip lessons from you. Why don't you just send the kid home? Miguel already knows he's never joining us; why mess around with him?"

"Last I checked, the old symbiote machine was keen on joining."

"And that's what's got me worried. What do ya want? I'm not exactly here to spend my day off with a chatbot?"

"Straight to the point," Lyla smirked, moving her arms out as reports from across the Spider-Verse came flooding in. Chaos and destruction and one person in particular caught Y/N's eye.


"Figured you'd know him; you two go back?"

Again, with another smirk, Y/N swirled his drink around. "We've brought in a handful of the Doc, haven't we? This one, though, is a doozy. We were friends if that's what you were wondering. Otto Octavius, quite the prestigious student in the Support programme, wanted to show the world that the quirkless could stand toe to toe with big guns. He achieved such a feat at the cost of his sanity. I'm glad to hear my bizarre world is still causing Miguel problems; I bet he dreams of my beautiful face every night... If the bastard even does that?"

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