Issue 4 - Sympathy for the Devil

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Please allow me to introduce myself. Unlike the others, I don't fight crime or save the day. I don't even get the girl; what's up with that? If this were any other story, I'd be the comic relief, the first to die, a background character who messed up his one line.
I'm a man of wealth and taste. I dream big, dare bigger. I want the world to see me; I want children screaming in the streets to see me. I want to be that man, that famous Spider-Man.

I've been around for a long, long year. I've thought of just about every line I'd say, every villain takedown; I'd write it all down, the mirror my stage, nothing was going to change that—the only problem with that sentiment. Your dreams never entirely live up to reality; they're like that old pair of jeans you forgot about; they just don't fit. And this is me, stuck in jeans that don't fit.

Man, that is a bad analogy to describe my demise...


"I'm the Beetle, and you, Spider-Man, have met your match." 

The air was leaving my lungs too quickly; everything was a blur, but I had to act and win. Spider-Man always does. Taking one massive breath, I held it deep within, webbing the visor blocking Beetle's vision; I followed up by swinging both hands to their helmet, discombobulating this villain briefly, causing them to let go. Twirling around, I began falling with less control than I'd like to admit. Trying to shoot a web, I somehow managed to tangle my arm up, crashing into the building next to me, just hanging.

I began to look around, letting out the held breath whistling. "Where do all these guys keep coming from?"

"Spider-Man!" The Beetle screeched, ripping me from my spot, dragging me against multiple buildings, and grazing my arm. Then, thrown forward, I crashed into the metal prison on wheels, lying on the floor coughing.

"Next stop is Hell's Kitchen, next stop-." The intercom was blown up as Beetle landed, making the crowds of people flee in fear. 

The Beetle shouted, dragging her hand across the floor, picking and holding me up. "Your kind has plagued my family too long; I will ensure you are put down!"

A bright light blinded the Beetle coming from my phone flash. I looked at the picture, sighing. "Are you kidding me? Girl, you blinked. I don't know your grudge against this world's Spider-Man, but isn't this exciting? You're my first nemesis. I need this for the scrapbook."

Fuming by this, I was thrown back as the Beetle launched missiles, blowing up parts of the metal prison. I avoided each one, quickly punching my new nemesis and shaking my hand in pain. "What are you made of?"

Firing both webs behind me, I pulled myself to safety, seeing civilians leaving the prison. They'll be fine... Wait, they aren't Spider-People!

Quickly webbing each one to a building, I shook my hands as the Beetle flew up into the air, blowing up more of the track; jumping between each seat, I zipped up any lingering prisoner stuck, saving them one at a time. Flipping around, I passed through the front glass, landing on the track and kneeling, catching my breath. It'd be nice to be given a second, but my new nemesis had other plans. Flying above me with rockets coming off her shoulders, I got back into action, swinging to safety. One homing missile blew me out of the sky, shattering through an office block. Unable to stand, I began shooting webs to pull me forward; any distance would do.

Beetle roared in, screeching a dozen gadgets blasting from her suit. "Spider-Man, the torment you've put me through, the things I'm going to do. I'm going to butcher, blast, bout, besiege, blitz, bombard, bash, buck, bang and blitzkrieg you until there's nothing left!!!"

Limping, I finally managed to get my footing running backwards. "Lady, you need a good book and a cuppa, anything to fix that batshit insane trauma of yours. I have a few suggestions if you'd like."

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