Issue 9 - Lethal Protector

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"Get him inside now, Mary!" Forcefully pushed into my bedroom, my mum slammed the door hastily, sitting me on my bed. She began to check over me in a state of panic.

"Y/N, look at me. Did anyone see you? Did anyone see your gift?"

"I-I don't know... I don't think so."

Brushing my hair, clumps of dried blood fell out; her hands were trembling, and I could see tears forming. "Good, very g-good. You've got to know, Y/N, what happened wasn't your fault."

The door thrust open as Dad charged in, going to each window and peeking through the blinds. "What did he say?"

"He claims no one saw him, Richard; we should be in the clear, right?"

Pacing back and forth, Richard rubbed his beard, giving it some thought. Pointing to Mum, he stormed to the wardrobe, throwing a suitcase on the bed. "This isn't just going to disappear, Mary; Osborne isn't one to just accept false lies."

"Y-Y-Yeah, but he doesn't know. How could he know? He's just a little boy. No one would ever-."

"Mary!" Dad ranted, holding her shoulders and whispering. "Osborn's son is dead. He'll burn this city to find the culprit."

Now fully breaking down, she looked at me, devastated. "What are we going to do, Richard? They can't take him; they can't!"

"And they won't. They won't; I won't let them." He snaps, racing between the wardrobe and my bed, throwing clothes into the suitcase. "Dear, help Y/N pack quickly!"

Mum ran out of the room to grab my belongings as Dad returned, kneeling before the bed and clearing his throat. "Son, you know we love you very much."

I didn't speak, just nodding in agreement.

"Good. Listen, Y/N, you may not know it, but you are special. Your gift will change the world someday, but until then, you must keep it a secret." He explains, putting a hand on my chest. "You must promise me never mention what happened today, do you hear me? If anyone found out, you would risk yourself and your family, do you understand?"

"Yes, Dad..."

"There's a good boy; help your mother pack; you'll stay at your Aunt and Uncle's house for a bit. Until everything blows over, take your favourite teddy as fast as possible. Go!"

Running to my wardrobe, I went through my toy box, picking through what I would take. I watched my father rub his face, stressed; the door knocked as he opened the bedroom door slightly, whispering loudly. "What did I say about leaving your room, Peter? Get back and lock the door; you have no right being out here."

Dad looked back at me, biting his lip and nodding to himself. "Everything is going to be fine. Everything is going to be just fine."


The air crackled with tension, with skyscrapers reaching towards the heavens. The moon's eerie glow enhanced the sinister aura surrounding the two adversaries.

Slouched down against the flagpole, I moved my head around, awaiting Beetle's move; she wouldn't wait; she wasn't the sort of person to do so. Bringing both hands together, she began to spread the rooftop where I was into oblivion. But without warning, I struck lunging forward, tendrils oozing from my suit, flailing like deadly whips. The Beetle swiftly evaded the attack, expertly utilising her jet propulsion system to soar above the rooftops. She retaliated by launching a volley of energy blasts towards me. But with my newfound agility, I dodged with unnerving grace, spinning around the building and looking to strike.

My tendrils stretched and reached for the Bettle, aiming to snare her within my grip. Attempting to evade again, I expected this: firing a web behind me, latching onto a TV dish, and flinging it at her. The Beetle couldn't avoid the sudden attack, too focused on my bluff. Stunning her briefly, I lunged again, attempting to take her down with me to the streets with a mighty crash. The Bettle activated her energy shields, deflecting my attempts, but my ever-growing strength, thanks to Carnage, was relentless.

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