Issue 17 - Making Good on My Promise

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I lay on my back, getting the morning breeze past me. The fresh air wasn't something I could easily pass by, nor was the peace and quiet. Closing my eyes, I took a moment to relax.

"I'm hungry."

"When are you not?" I point out, sighing. "No, silence, complete silence."

"I'm bored."

"Take a nap," I suggest once again, blowing air. "No, silence, complete silence."

"I'm angry."

Having enough, I stood up, walking upside down the Brooklyn bridge, pacing back and forth. "Hungry, bored, angry. Make up your mind which one you are red!?"

"Y/N, Y/N, report? Ello, Y/N?"

Flicking open my jumper, I stared blankly at Lyla, mumbling. "What now?"

"You're up; we need you back at base."

"They're treating you like a tool, one to do their dirty work while they sit back and enjoy the good life. How much longer is this song and dance routine going to keep going on for?"

Arms crossed, I turned away; even if I couldn't escape Carnage's words, I could bathe at sunrise to make up for it. "Well, what do you suppose we do? I'm up for suggestions."

"We go home."

"Home?" I question now more confused. "Since when did you care about going home? I thought the Multi-Verse was one big playground for you, Red?"

Carnage paused; the silence was so long I was about to speak up when he interrupted me. "Uncle Ben will miss us."

Catching me off guard, it was my turn to fall silent as fishing boats passed by. Tapping my foot, I grumbled, nodding. "Yeah, I'm sure he does. Let's keep to my promise and finish what we came here for... One more thing, Carnage."

"What is it?" He questioned.

"Don't you ever dare call him Uncle again?"


Spinning around in an office chair, I waited for Miguel to turn up as I kept playing with my jumper, recalling all the Earths I visited and mapping them all out. It wasn't long before Miguel showed up, not saying anything, breezing past. Snapping his fingers, Lyla appeared, creating a handful of screens showing data, graphs and another Earth. "I'm going to make this quick: Lyla had detected a large spike in Multi-Versal energy coming from one of our monitored Earths. Four hours ago, a hole in space was opened. One that connected through to multiple dimensions. We had one of our Spiders witness such an entity firsthand. It could blow a hole in the Multi-Verse if left unchecked. I want you to scout out whoever this is and gather enough information."

"Scout ahead? You don't want me to engage?"

"Not until we have enough information on this guy, no. The Earth is already familiar to you, Earth 1610. I don't need to tell you what's at stake here?"

"Miles," I whisper to myself, reflecting on what Carnage told me. I look up. "Can I refuse?"

Miguel glanced at me, annoyed, confused and concerned all at the same time. "Refuse? Now, why would you do that?"

"Well, you see... Red, Carnage, he's been acting out lately, rashly and unconvincingly. We're always in a constant back and forth for control; for the most part, it's an equal-up battle. But as of late, old Carnage is feeling more hands-on than usual. It's nothing, I know, but... I'd like some time to rest and remind the tenant who the landlord is."

"Wow, talk about throwing me under the bus..."

Miguel turned away, frustrated, before nodding. "Fine, the last thing we need is a Symbiote outbreak. I'll have to find someone else."

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