Issue 11 - Ultra Responsibility

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I crashed down, landing on a flagpole as my body was glitching now more than ever. It took everything I had to keep awake; one wrong move, and I'm all over the streets below, no coming back from that. Wrapping my arms around the pole, I slumped over, panting; my phone had been ringing for the past twenty minutes. I had tried to ignore it, but that wouldn't cut it anymore.

Holding it to my ear, I coughed, nodding. "Ello?"

"Y/N? Y/N! It's Miles; please come back to May's. We can find a way to get you back home. Don't do this."

"What are you going to do that can save me, Miles? It's been a week, you know I'm not getting back. I may not even last a day at this rate if I'm going out. I'm doing so on my terms." I whisper, hanging up. My eyes drifted to my phone, anger swelling. Out of spite, I threw my phone across the city, now gone from sight. Glitching more, I gagged. "Just for one day... For one day, I'm going to be Spider-Man."

Letting go of the flagpole, I began swinging through the city, looking for my big break, something to get my mind off the fact I was a ticking timebomb with no time left. I didn't think it was more that I didn't want to accept reality. And now... It's going to cost me everything.

Jumping between buildings, I was startled as Cindy's watch began responding. It hadn't worked since Kingpin broke it, but a warning popped up on my screen, intriguing me.

Anomaly detected.

The moment this came up, I heard explosions and the sound of police sirens echoing out from behind. Swiftly spinning around, I propelled myself forward, adrenaline pumping. This was the moment I was looking for—one final hurrah as Spider-Man. Shooting high above the city, I saw dozens of police cars surrounding a train station. I hadn't seen this many before, only pushing my intrigue further. I couldn't turn away from an opportunity like this! Diving down to the streets below, more explosions rippled out, chaining across the street.

Several police officers wouldn't escape the scorching fire; racing through, I threw two officers out of the way, firing a safety net to save them. The last one I tugged back with my webbing, tackling them to the ground as fire ripped through the air above us. I jumped up, turning to the officers, just missing my face being burnt off. "You can tell your men to stand down; Spider-Man has got this."

"I thought Spider-Man was dead."

Glitching, I fell off the police car, grumbling to myself. "He will be again at this rate... Let's see who we're dealing with here."

Smashing through the windows, I rolled over in the middle of Grand Central Terminal; it's been forever since I was last here... Back when I made a trip with my parents and... Someone else, I can't remember. Most of the civilians had been evacuated, leaving the normally bustling station dead to the world.

Standing up, I looked around, finding heavy damage to the building but no sign of any villain who made this mess. "Should I make my presence known? That would be stupid... But on the other hand... Hello!? Are there any super-evil villains out there? It's Spider-Man, and I'm here to kick ass and take names. Eww, I'm never saying that again."

My Spider-Sense went off again, but there was no sign of any trouble, only the sound of something metal rolling across the floor. Looking up, I saw a small pumpkin ball roll down the stairs towards me. "What th-."


The pumpkin exploded, sending me back, launched into the air. The villain made itself known, grabbing the back of my cape and dragging me across the station. Trying to break free, I saw the villain flying on some glider. They wore heavy armour and a similar hooded cape; the hood was down, revealing a flaming jack-o-lantern fitted on his head.

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