Issue 8 - Tooth and Claw

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Dirt was clumped between my fingernails as I clawed away at the earth. Emotions ran high, a mixture of fear and dread. I couldn't keep up; I couldn't fight it.

"You're amazing. You're almost there; keep going..."

The city skyline faded away from me as I paused for a moment, staring at the half-assed grave I had clawed up. My clothes were dried with Cindy's blood; no matter how much I tried rubbing them, the blood was always there as a stark reminder. Turning around, I tripped on the body, falling over. I stayed down, and I refused to get back up.

"Hey, it's ok. It's alright; we're Spider-Man; we always get back up."

What if I just stayed right here, in this very spot? Would anyone know? Would anyone care? I'm not important; I'm nothing special. I don't even exist; I would be another nobody forgotten by time. Maybe that's where I've always been heading.

Glitching again, I slowly sat up, gripping my hands, staring. For a moment, I could imagine Cindy getting back up and scolding me for giving up so easily. What did she see in me so quickly? "I've really fucked this one up, haven't I, Silk? Why would you do that? Why would you make me promise you something... Something s-s-so impossible. Save your parents; I couldn't even save you."

I couldn't beat around the bush any longer as I began to drag Cindy into the grave. Pushing her over, she faded into the dark down below. Pushing the dirt back on, I sighed at my poor excuse. Picking up two sticks, I webbed them together, staking them in the ground. Taking a few steps back, I pressed my hands into my pocket, reflecting on her final words. "You had so much faith in me. Was that just to keep me going, or did you mean it?"

I pulled out Cindy's watch, staring at it in conflict; it showed my supposed dimension's name. Earth 1998, I could go home, crawl into bed, and forget any of this that ever happened. No one would ever know; no one would come knocking. I could have hot coco and watch a movie with Uncle Ben until I fell asleep, and everything would return to normal.

Normal world, normal me. 

"No," I whisper, thrusting the watch back into my pocket. "Never again."


Keeping my hood up, I approached May's house, already self-doubting myself. I am doing the right thing, aren't I? 


"I know. I know; this is what I am." About to knock on the door, I paused, the lights off, but a flicker came from behind. Walking around, I saw a faint glow coming from the shed. This was my time; I knew what to do. Pushing the door open, I took the first step, closing my eyes as the elevator rumbled to my destiny.

"What are we doing here, Y/N? Your enemy is out there. You just give the word, and I'll make them wish they were never born."

Moving my head around, I breathed in and out, letting my mind remain. No voice telling me what to do.

"You cannot ignore me forever, Y/N. We are bound by blood; I am you, and every part of you is me. You cannot escape that."

"No," I whisper, keeping focus. "I'm going to do this my way; I haven't needed you at my lowest; I don't need you now. I will keep treating you as I have ever since I could remember. A bad dream, imaginary friend. Now it's about time I grow up."

"We are all born into this world through blood and pain. It takes a special person to rise above it. Every hero has an origin. That bright-eyed friend of yours, Cindy Moon, getting murdered is the best way to start. You need one beacon in the dark. One person to show your true face to. Where your heart can be broken and your innocence lost. Then you kill that one good thing to perfect the pointlessness of the universe. No. I don't like that. That's wrong. There is meaning. It's not pointless. Not anymore. Her death makes the hero embrace his fate."

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