Issue 19 - Distress Call

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Seven months ago, I met the most fantastic person. A Woman unlike any I have ever met fell into my life both metaphorically and physically. Cindy Moon, better known as Silk, was her Universe's Spider-Woman, and she was everything I yearned to be. Bold, heroic, brave and caring. I had spent my whole life being told no, being told I can't do this, I can't do that. I lived around so many no people I wasn't even sure I knew what the word yes meant anymore. That was until Cindy.

She was the first person to see me. Differently, she knew I could go places; she didn't see me as some crippled boy with no future; she saw me as Spider-Man, and through thick and thin, we worked together. Having someone in my court for the first time felt amazing; I felt on top of the world, and then... Then she died.

She died, and it was all my fault. There is no other way of looking at that; my actions got her killed. But even in death, she still held onto her beliefs and still saw the good in me. I would have cowered away and given up under those circumstances, but I felt like I owed her something; I owed her in life and death. I was going to be the most amazing Spider-Man possible, not just for me but for her. I wanted to prove the Universe wrong, prove that Y/N Parker is Spider-Man, and even with the ups and downs, I stuck to that promise.

But now? Well, I'm quite possibly at my lowest again. I've lost too many times, and now my entire look on this mask has changed; whether the words Miguel struck into me are valid or not, one thing is for sure: I'm at my breaking point. But now comes along Cindy Moon, seemingly back from the dead at the best possible moment. Was this a coincidence or ill-timed fate yet to be seen? But many questions remain: Do you want to know how she's alive?

Yeah, well... Join the club.


With help, we made it to the roof of the school, overlooking futuristic New York. I was still quite banged up from my fight with Miguel and the other Spiders, so I was forced to lean against the wall, taking long and deep breaths. Cindy looked concerned about me, squatting down, checking my pulse, and looking over any injuries. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I just got my ass kicked."

"That's because you did." She commented with a sigh. "What about you, Red?"

"Comfort is irrelevant for me!"

Cindy sat next to me, and I moved my hand onto her shoulder. I felt myself relax. "Is that any better?"

"Hmph... Yes."

Cindy looked out at the city, pausing for a moment. Then she joined her hands together, whispering, "I'm sure you have quite a few questions."

"How are you alive?"

"Yup, I thought that'd be the first one on the old list. And I promise to explain everything, but for now, I just need you to trust me. Can you do that?" Cindy asked with a worried look. "Please."

"You know I trust you, Cindy. You've never let me down."

Cindy smiled briefly, nodding along. "Nice. I wanted to find you sooner; I wanted to see you so badly. I had heard about all the things you did, the lives you've saved, the difference you made. I seriously couldn't be prouder. I told you, huh?" She lightly nudges me with another faint smirk. "You're Spider-Man."

"Thanks. I think I needed to hear that. These days, being Spider-Man seems harder and harder to believe."

"I could imagine... Miguel sure did a number on you, bastard. He thinks I'm dead?"

"He knows you're dead. No one suspected any different."

"I see. That's good; look, I could never come for you, Y/N, due to that fact. I had to keep making everyone think I was dead; jumping in the middle of your excursions for the Spider-Socity was far too risky, and most of the time, I had no idea which Universe you were in. There was no way in hell I was pulling up to Miguel's Universe and saving you. So I had to wait, wait long enough until you ended up in my old stomping ground before making a move. I'm really sorry about that."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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