Issue 16 - Across the Spider-Verse

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"Listen, kid, Miguel ain't going to be happy regarding the mess up. Play it cool, don't say a word, and who knows, he might have forgotten all about it." Noir suggested stepping into Miguel's computer room; my Spider-Sense was already going off as a monitor was thrown our way. "Maybe not."

"You all blew it! You had one very simple job: Catch the anomaly and bring him here. What do you do? Nearly implode two different dimensions and let Octavius escape, and the problem child, too."

"Miguel, things got out of hand. He took us all by surprise, and you can't blame us for that."

Miguel glared down at Noir, biting his lip. "I expect no results from the Y/Ns, but you, Noir, I'm disappointed."

"Well, that makes one of us. Without Y/N's quick thinking, there might not be a home to return to."

I crossed my arms, ticked off by Miguel's hostile nature and decided to speak up soon. "Regardless of what happened, we stopped that monster and saved as many people as possible. That's all we could do; we're Spider-Man; nothing ever goes to plan."

"Oh, I'm sure you are bathing in this, right? Don't forget that you are a canon breaker."

"Miguel, you know we don't have time for this." Layla pestered, teleporting around us. "You know why we brought them."

Miguel rubbed his face, swiping his hand around and showing a screen. "We've got another jumper causing a scene in Earth-65. We need you three to handle this- Where's Peni?"

"While your world never gets any world-ending monsters popping up, Peni's did. She's helping her friends and mourning the loss of one, or is that too much of a problem for you, Spider-Man?" I snap, facing him down.

"Fine, fine! You two will do; Layla will have the details ready when you jump. I don't want any mess-ups this time."

Noir flicked a match away, shaking his head. "I'm sitting this one out."

"What? You don't get to decide when something like this is easy to skip Noir."

"Do you want to see it the way I do?" He responds, glancing at Miguel. "We do all the dirty work while you brood in here barking orders. I fight those sorts of people in Germany. Get someone else, I'm done. Or if you're so confident, do it yourself."

Noir placed a hand on my shoulder, looking at me. "What happened to with great power comes great responsibility?" I question.

"Sometimes, kid, the most responsible thing to do is walk away. I'd advise you to do the same."

"I- I can't. I still have a promise to keep."

"I hear you. Stay safe out there, don't let Miguel get to you, Spider-Man."

With that Noir left, I wanted to argue against the sudden change of heart, but deep down, I got it. And I couldn't blame him in the slightest.

Miguel began snapping his device to his arm, ready as he glanced at me. "Well?"

"I'm ready, Earth-65. Has the Spider-Man of that world been made aware?"

"No, but you can catch her up. You two know each other, after all."

"I do? O-Oh, right. Let's do this."


Miguel sent me ahead to get a grip on the dimension in question. Usually, we'd like a Spider on the inside, giving us a rundown of the world. It's just over-glorified permission. This time around, we didn't get that luxury. Nor again did we know what we were dealing with, hopping through the dimensional gap, beginning my free fall towards the streets below. Twirling my body, I shot off a web, zipping up and taking in a sigh of relief.

A Super Nobody (Spider-Verse x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now