Issue 13 - Not so Black and White

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New York

It was the dead of night as a train pulled into the dock on the city's outskirts. The doors swung open as a group of gangsters jumped up, wielding machine guns, and each one began scouting out the dock. Once the coast was clear, one banged against the train, shouting. "The area is secure, boss."

The last member stepped down with a smug look, adjusted his tie, and took a look at his prize. "Great work, boys, this will do just nicely. Search the containers; the prize will soon be in sight. The older, the better. And keep an eye out for Spider-Man!"

The handful of goons began patrolling the dock, all more nervous than before. Each stuck together in two groups, dreading what lay in the dark. "I can't believe Hammerhead is pushing for control this quickly... The Manfredi family were dog food just weeks ago. What is he thinking?"

The other one scoffed, knowing that was true, but he still played off with a cocky attitude. "With the Maggia leaders gone, it would be stupid not to move in on their territories; if we don't, Norman will."

The first kicked a small can away, gripping his gun tightly. "I ain't going to deny that, but... You've heard the stories. Monsters snatching people in the dead of night. We're sitting ducks out here."

"Get over yourself; clearly, it's just Spider-Man. We can deal with Spider-Man."

"Spider-Man doesn't eat people..."

The second goon stopped now on edge snapping. "If you have such a problem with this plan, please, you're more than welcome to take it up with Hammerhead. Be my guest." 

"I-I'm good, thanks."

"Yeah, that's what I thought." He boasted, turning the corner; the lights hovering over them all began to flicker, fading in and out. "God Damn electricity, I have no idea how this shit is meant to catch on."

Both fell silent as a loud crash was heard just around the corner. Both clocked their machine guns, running over. There, one of the containers dropped and was ripped open. They looked at each other horrified, but with no choice, they all approached. Before either of them could get a closer look, a young boy in his teens walked out, adjusting his glasses. He glanced at the two mob members with a sly smirk. One of them instantly raised their gun, shouting. "Who the hell are you!? How did you get here?"

The other one joined, adding insults to injury. "This is property of the Hammerhead family; you need to scram, kid!"

"What's with the costume?" The first whispered to the other, dazed by the modern lab attire and high gadgets on his wrists.

"It seems the baboons of this era are just as primal as the ones in my universe. No matter, you'll make good test subjects."

Without hesitation, they both began to fire. The boy didn't react, his hands in his pockets as all the bullets were halted midair. Both lowered their guns, horrified. "W-What!? Witchcraft!"

"Oh no, there's no such thing here. Only science." He taunted. "Metal, the greatest achievement for mankind." The bullets began to morph and join together, forming metal arms attached to the boy's back. "And that power in the palm of my hand."

"Who are you?"

"Me? Why I am the greatest mind of the Multi-Verse, I am Otto Octavius. However, you may address me as Doc Ock."

Hammerhead turned, hearing more gunfire and screams. Looking concerned, he gestured his men to move in. As they did, several containers were launched into the air, crushing the men by the dozen. Doc Ock began floating in the air, ripping the metal from each container, his arms growing in size and might. Gunfire was rained down on him with no effect. Hammerhead turned and ran for the train, shouting. "Get us out of here! What the hell, what the fuck!?"

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