Chapter 2: Says Misaka-10000

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The room stretched out before him, an expansive space that seemed to defy the limits of his perception. It towered 15 meters high and spanned 50 meters by 50 meters in width. The walls were a pristine white, gleaming under the bright lights above. The air felt clean and sterile, lacking any distinct smell. The silence was almost oppressive, broken only by the soft footsteps of other girls nearby.

Sitting on the cold floor, he drew his knees close to his chest, his eyes fixated on the unfolding scene. before him. 

"I feel like I'm losing my mind...S-Says Misaka as she tightened the grab around her feet"

Just a few hours ago, he had been carefree, walking his way home without a worry. but, because of his luck, and his unnecessary curiosity, he got involved in something that he had nothing to do with.

And as a result, he was killed—or at least, that's what he believed had happened.

"Haa~ sighed, Misaka as she bemoaned about what had happened"

His gaze wandered around the white room, taking in the sight of numerous girls donning the familiar Tokiwadai Middle School uniforms. They wandered aimlessly. Rows and rows of them and they all looked just like her, the ranker 3 level 5 esper, Misaka Mikoto

The only noticeable difference was their long hair, contrasting with the original's short one.

Shifting his focus to the smooth, polished floor beneath him, he caught a glimpse of his own reflection staring back.

He was no exception. Now, he or she had become just another clone, indistinguishable from the original.

But, that wasn't the only concern plaguing his mind.

He had died, but he had no idea how much time had passed since then. It could have been mere minutes, hours, or several days and weeks. The uncertainty weighed heavily on him, his biggest problem.

M-Mother... Father...Says Misaka with sadness"

Back then, When his mother received the news of the accident he was exposed to.

She refused to leave the hospital without him. She became resolute in her decision, refusing to eat or drink until she could see him safe and sound. The only time she would consume anything was when exhaustion overcame her. and she would eat just so she could remain awake and alert while waiting for him.

and the case wasn't better with his father, taking on the same role in the waiting game, stepping in whenever his mother needed sleep or had to be away from his recovery room.

He feared that if they received the news of his death, they wouldn't be able to stand it.

He couldn't bear to imagine how it would impact his mother, especially with her weak heart.

"Misaka serial number 9999, it's your turn. Please proceed to the examination room," a voice resonates through the speakers, shattering the silence within the pristine white room.

Without delay, one of the clones began walking toward a door located at the far end of the room.

In some inexplicable way, since awakening in this new body, he had become aware of his serial number—10000.

"ha ha ha laughed, Misaka as she realized the coincidence"

a robotic laughter escaping his lips. He found irony in how his name, Ichiman, literally meant 10000.

Setting aside those thoughts, his turn was coming up soon. it was his opportunity to uncover what exactly was happening.

Countless questions were swirling in his mind. 

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